Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of TracWysiwygPlugin

Aug 26, 2008, 1:03:16 PM (16 years ago)
Jason Winnebeck

Updated my review somewhat


  • TracWysiwygPlugin

    v16 v17  
    3939By JasonWinnebeck:
    41 I wanted to try to highlight the current state of this plugin as of r2732. This is a very promising plugin in Trac and sometimes it is hard to determine how far along plugins are in development. The short story is that it is about 80% of the way to being suitable for "production" use, and it is usable now if one is willing to stand small quirks or the occasional bug. I plan on using it to help "improve" Trac usage and team acceptance by users not used to wiki format.
     41I wanted to try to highlight the current state of this plugin as of r2732 (revisited at r4135). This is a very promising plugin in Trac and sometimes it is hard to determine how far along plugins are in development. The short story is that it is about 95% of the way to being suitable for "production" use, and it is usable now if one is willing to stand small quirks or the occasional bug. My department uses it to help improve Trac adoption and team acceptance by users not used to wiki format. We have been using it for quite a long time now (since 0.10), and it does work well to allow these users to contribute.
    4343Per the screenshots, all of the formatting is available. The biggest thing to note is that this plugin generates wiki code, not HTML or something else, so it will integrate with existing pages and work will with Trac's differences history, and installation is "revertible" in the sense that you can just opt to not use the editor if there are any problems.
    45 I evaluated this primarily in Firefox 2, and a little in IE6 on Trac 0.10.5dev.
     45I evaluated this originally in Firefox 2, and a little in IE6 on Trac 0.10.5dev, but today we are using it with Firefox 3, IE7, and Trac 0.11. What has happened in out long deployment is that the most technical users (programmers on our team) use the original "textarea" functionality, but non-technical users always use "wysiwyg," and are quite productive at using it, and I haven't heard any complaints.
    4747By akaihola:
    5959 * '''Table Editor''' -- the plugin is almost worth getting just for this point alone, the table editor allows add/remove columns, rows, etc as well as wiki format inside of the cells.
    6060 * Trac macros shown as normal text but expand when saved and viewed in wiki.
    61  * Formatted code blocks shown as normal text, but can be edited as a normal "code block".
    62  * I tested copy/paste in Firefox 2:
    63    * Paste into MS Word was tested and worked quite well (although links are pointing incorrectly)
    64    * Paste into editor from MS Word worked somewhat, but I tested only styles that Trac wiki can support like headings, lists, bold/italics, etc. Other issues seen were bad closing of formatting and sometimes extra newlines were added or removed. The issues were reasonably solvable through manual cleanup in "textarea" mode.
     61 * Formatted code blocks
     62 * I tested copy/paste in Firefox 2 and 3:
     63   * Paste into MS Word was tested and worked quite well (although links are not valid; instead of http whatever, you get hyperlinks that point to trac-links like wiki:TracWysiwygPlugin, which of course only Trac understands)
     64   * Paste into editor from MS Word worked somewhat, but I tested only styles that Trac wiki can support like headings, lists, bold/italics, etc. However, all special Word formatting (and even images) will appear (at least in Firefox 3), but when you save the page it will convert it down to the plain formatting that Trac supports.
    66 There are some bugs, a few mentioned above. The only real problem with the bugs is that sometimes the appearance is correct on the screen but the code generated is incorrect.
     66The only real problem is that sometimes the appearance is correct on the screen but the result generated is different; however, this almost always happens when pasting in from external programs, but usually not in other situations.
    6868=== Summary ===