
Improve selection of users to be cc-ed


This plugin provides a more helpful experience in the editing of a Trac ticket's CC field than the standard Trac core's functionality. A pop-up window with a list of checkboxes is opened. The user can then check/uncheck boxes, and email addresses are added to or removed from the CC field as needed.


Developer list is fetched from the Trac database. Users who logged in at least once (see session table) and have the 'TICKET_VIEW' permission are listed. If you like the old variant better, which is implemented as a hardcoded list in a JavaScript file, you should stick with the older release [4001] .

Editing the Cc field without using the pop-up window remains possible: all email addresses you enter manually are shown and can subsequently be removed with checkboxes.

See AutocompleteUsersPlugin for another way to help with populating the Cc ticket field.

Technical notes

JavaScript is required for this plugin to work and it is tested with Firefox, Mozilla and Internet Explorer 6. Reports of this working under Opera or Safari are welcome.

A long-term ambition is to reduce JavaScript logic in favor of a more capable Genshi template, or even a JS-free plugin implementation.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for CcSelectorPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


14 / 16


9 / 10


1 / 1


Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out CcSelectorPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the TracPlugins page.


The following options should be added to the trac.ini file to configure this plugin:

show_fullname = true
username_blacklist = user1, 'user 2'


  • default: false
  • Display full names instead of usernames if available.
  • Use case: If most/relevant Trac users prefer full names over usernames aka login/nicknames.


  • default: '' (empty string)
  • Usernames separated by comma, that should never get listed.
  • Use case: Hide administrator accounts from the default list.

Want drop-down box for "assign to" field?

If you want a drop-down box for the assign to field all you have to do is set restrict_owner option in TracIni:

restrict_owner = true

This page has more info on this.


Contributing your translation is highly appreciated. You could send it to the plugin's maintainer or contribute via Launchpad:

Recent Changes

18683 by stoecker on 2025-03-06 14:23:39
update translations
18624 by stoecker on 2024-03-27 12:25:54
drop typo
18597 by stoecker on 2023-11-17 10:50:21
CcSelectorPlugin: fix #12161 - incorrect button alignment


Author: vnaum
Maintainer: Dirk Stöcker
Contributors: terje

Last modified 6 weeks ago Last modified on Feb 13, 2025, 6:05:31 PM

Attachments (1)

Download all attachments as: .zip