
Delete wiki pages and attachments you created

Notice: This plugin is unmaintained and available for adoption.


This plugin allows users to delete wiki pages and attachments to wiki pages or tickets that they created. It does not yet cover tickets, but if there is demand, I can try to add it.

Note that users can delete their own attachments since Trac 1.3.2 if LegacyAttachmentPolicy is used (#12719).

See also: AttachmentPolicyPlugin for an alternative to deleting attachments and AttachFilterPlugin for rejecting attachments.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for SelfDeletePlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


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Download the zipped source from here.

The plugin is also available on PyPi.


You can check out SelfDeletePlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the TracPlugins page.


First enable it by adding the following to your trac.ini file:

selfdelete.* = enabled

Add it to the list of active permissions policies:

permission_policies = SelfDeletePolicy, DefaultPermissionPolicy, LegacyAttachmentPolicy

If using AuthzPolicy, it should come before SelfDeletePolicy in the list.

Grant any users you want the WIKI_DELETE_SELF or TICKET_DELETE_SELF permissions.

Recent Changes

17561 by rjollos on 2019-11-17 19:59:49
TracSelfDelete 2.1: Remove unused import
17560 by rjollos on 2019-11-17 19:48:06
TracSelfDelete 2.1: Consult other permission policies if result is not true

This allows the standard policies to continue functioning
normally when SelfDeletePolicy is used, allowing users
to delete attachments.

Check attachment author to determine if user can
delete the attachment.

Fixes #13652.

16755 by rjollos on 2017-08-25 18:47:05
TracSelfDelete 2.0: Prepare for release


Author: coderanger
Maintainer: none (needsadoption)
Contributors: rjollos

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on Nov 16, 2019, 6:28:12 PM