
Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#10154 closed defect (invalid)

Announcement sending email failed SMTPServerDisconnected("Connection unexpectedly closed")

Reported by: admin Owned by: Steffen Hoffmann
Priority: high Component: AnnouncerPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords: configuration support
Cc: Ryan J Ollos, Robert Corsaro Trac Release: 0.12


Trunk version has a problem with sending mail. Announcer exits with an error:

2012-07-16 13:30:25,427 Trac[api] DEBUG: action controllers for ticket workflow: ['ConfigurableTicketWorkflow']
2012-07-16 13:30:25,524 Trac[api] DEBUG: Adding (xxxxx [1]) for 'always' on rule (AllTicketSubscriber) for (email)
2012-07-16 13:30:25,525 Trac[api] DEBUG: AnnouncementSystem has found the following subscriptions: [xxxx (authenticated) via email]
2012-07-16 13:30:25,525 Trac[mail] DEBUG: EmailDistributor has found the following formats capable of handling 'email' of 'ticket': text/html, text/plain
2012-07-16 13:30:25,526 Trac[mail] DEBUG: EmailDistributor determined the preferred format for 'xxxx (authenticated)' is: text/html
2012-07-16 13:30:25,527 Trac[mail] DEBUG: EmailDistributor found the address '' for 'xxxx (authenticated)' via: SpecifiedEmailResolver
2012-07-16 13:30:25,527 Trac[mail] DEBUG: EmailDistributor is sending event as 'text/html' to:
2012-07-16 13:30:25,789 Trac[mail] DEBUG: Content of recip_adds: [u'', '""']
2012-07-16 13:35:26,431 Trac[api] ERROR: AnnouncementSystem failed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/announcer/", line 561, in _real_send
  File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/announcer/distributors/", line 353, in distribute
    self._do_send(transport, event, k, v, fmtdict[k])
  File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/announcer/distributors/", line 525, in _do_send
  File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/announcer/distributors/", line 534, in send
    self.email_sender.send(from_addr, recipients, message)
  File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/announcer/distributors/", line 604, in send
    smtp.sendmail(from_addr, recipients, message)
  File "/opt/bitnami/python/lib/python2.6/", line 712, in sendmail
  File "/opt/bitnami/python/lib/python2.6/", line 438, in rset
    return self.docmd("rset")
  File "/opt/bitnami/python/lib/python2.6/", line 363, in docmd
    return self.getreply()
  File "/opt/bitnami/python/lib/python2.6/", line 340, in getreply
    raise SMTPServerDisconnected("Connection unexpectedly closed")
SMTPServerDisconnected: Connection unexpectedly closed

Interestingly, I copied the code from (function _do_send and send SmtpEmailSender class) and this code works fine, that sends mail.

This is my trac.ini

default_email_format = text / plain
email_address_resolvers = SessionEmailResolver, SpecifiedEmailResolver
email_enabled = true
email_from = xxxx @
email_from_name =
email_replyto =
email_sender = SmtpEmailSender
email_subject_prefix = __ default__
email_to =
mime_encoding = qp
use_public_cc = false
use_threaded_delivery = false
admit_domains =
always_notify_owner = true
always_notify_reporter = true
always_notify_updater = true
never_notify_author = false
set_message_id = false
ambiguous_char_width = single
ignore_domains =
sendmail_path = sendmail
smtp_always_bcc =
smtp_always_cc =
smtp_default_domain =
smtp_password =
smtp_port =
smtp_server =
smtp_user =
ticket_subject_template = $ prefix # $ $ summary
use_short_addr = false
use_tls = true
use_ssl = false
rcpt_local_regexp = $ ^

debuglevel = 0
server =
timeout = 300
port = 25
user = xxxx @
password = ***
use_tls = true
use_ssl = false

sendmail_path = sendmail

Without line

rcpt_local_regexp = $ ^

Announcer try doing local delivery...

Annex code that works. I'm using Trac 0.12.3 version. Trac is configured for WSGI (this is generally Bitnami package) with the common trac.ini file for different projects.

My address is admin on server like in trac.ini

Attachments (1) (2.7 KB) - added by anonymous 13 years ago.
Cut and paste from that works on my server.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

Changed 13 years ago by anonymous

Attachment: added

Cut and paste from that works on my server.

comment:1 in reply to:  description Changed 12 years ago by Steffen Hoffmann

Cc: Ryan J Ollos Robert Corsaro added; anonymous removed
Keywords: configuration support added
Owner: changed from Robert Corsaro to Steffen Hoffmann

Replying to admin:

Trunk version has a problem with sending mail. Announcer exits with an error:
... Interestingly, I copied the code from (function _do_send and send SmtpEmailSender class) and this code works fine, that sends mail.

This is my trac.ini

use_ssl = false
rcpt_local_regexp = $ !^

I see.

Without line

rcpt_local_regexp = $ !^

Announcer try doing local delivery...

Annex code that works.

Sure, expected. Seems like you don't know much about regular expressions, do you? So why bother with setting it differently than the default ('' - empty string)? You configuration is total non-sense because it translates to: <end-of-address><space><start-of-address> (see i.e. for reference). This will never match any email address.

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by Steffen Hoffmann

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Plugin maintainer was inactive for many months now, so your weak bug claim got largely unnoticed, you see? Try inquiring at the mailing-list first, before opening a ticket for a local installation/configuration issue, what is highly depreciated for a number of reasons.

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as closed The owner will remain Steffen Hoffmann.
The resolution will be deleted. Next status will be 'reopened'.

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