
Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#10735 assigned defect

Uses depreciated AccountManagerPlugin options

Reported by: Steffen Hoffmann Owned by: Ruth Trevor-Allen
Priority: normal Component: MultiProjectCommitTicketUpdaterPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords: option
Cc: Trac Release:


In multiprojectcommitticketupdaterplugin/0.12/testing some configuration examples show long depreciated and soon removed options from AccountManagerPlugin:

  • 'password_format' has been obsoleted by
    • 'password_store' for direct store selection including store chaining and
    • store-specific options for hash type selection, i.e.:
      • 'htpasswd_hash_type' for HtPasswdStore
      • 'db_htpasswd_hash_type' for SessionStore with IPasswordHashMethod HtPasswdHashMethod (selected by 'hash_method' in turn)
  • 'password_file' has been depreciated in favor of store-specific options, once more to allow for seamless store chaining
    • 'htpasswd_file' for HtPasswdStore's password file in htpasswd format
    • 'htdigest_file' for HtDigestStore's password file in htdigest format

Please update the documentation accordingly, or link to maintained AccountManagerPlugin documentation like the configuration cookbook page (preferred).

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Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Steffen Hoffmann

(In [12494]) AccountManagerPlugin: Finally remove historic password_file option from file stores, refs #10734 and #10735.

Likewise 'password_format', another depreciated option, is removed too. Both changes have been prepared for a rather long time now, mostly to allow for seamless store chaining. Equivalent options have been introduced before:

  • 'password_file' - depreciated in favor of store-specific options
    • 'htpasswd_file' for HtPasswdStore's password file in htpasswd format
    • 'htdigest_file' for HtDigestStore's password file in htdigest format
  • 'password_format' - obsoleted by a combination of
    • 'password_store' for direct store selection including store chaining
    • store-specific options for hash type selection, i.e.:
      • 'htpasswd_hash_type' for HtPasswdStore
      • 'db_htpasswd_hash_type' for SessionStore with IPasswordHashMethod HtPasswdHashMethod (selected by 'hash_method' in turn)

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by Ruth Trevor-Allen

Status: newassigned

Ok, thanks, I'll sort that out soon. I've been meaning to do some testing with the new version of Trac anyway.

comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by Steffen Hoffmann

I did a quick 'grep' over all current t-h.o code to make sure, nothing of the old code was left behind. Thanks in advance for taking care within your plugin's domain.

If you need to talk about anything related to this change, or to AcctMgr in general, I'd be happy to assist, call me directly (email or IRC at your discretion).

Just to note, that AcctMgr currently still supports all major and minor Trac versions from 0.11 to current 1.0. After acct_mgr-0.5 I plan to fork, especially to switch support to the new Trac (1.0) db API.

comment:4 Changed 4 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Cc: Ryan J Ollos removed

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