Opened 10 years ago
#12511 new enhancement
Effective-date attributes for blog posts
Reported by: | anonymous | Owned by: | osimons |
Priority: | normal | Component: | FullBlogPlugin |
Severity: | normal | Keywords: | attributes date |
Cc: | Trac Release: |
We are using Trac for our Wiki and ticketing system, and we are evaluating the FullBlogPlugin as a tool that we can use to log significant events during the lifetime of a project. As it exists now, it nearly covers all of our requirements, but one thing that would be useful is the addition of effective-date attributes for a blog post. The date that a post is made is rarely going to be the effective date of a significant event in our case. Usually a post is made days after a significant event occurs and there has been time to analyze its cause and effects. For example, an anomaly on a spacecraft occurs and causes a 3-day data outage. There could be some time between the event actually occurring and the time that the blog post would be made about it. I had envisioned attributes such as eff_start_date and eff_end_date providing the ability to assign an effective date range for a blog post. Having effective-date attributes for the post would allow posts to be ordered and searched by effective date. I realize not everyone has such a need, but i can see it being useful to many people. Perhaps if the fields were not set they would just be ignored.