
Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

Last modified 19 years ago

#130 closed defect (fixed)

Not realy a ticket: Just a update for the Script

Reported by: viktorerrath Owned by: Alec Thomas
Priority: normal Component: WikiNotifyScript
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release:



At first: thank you for this script. It´s a really good and important one. But there have been a few things I don`t liked so I changed this parts of the Script.

List of changes: 1.)We are using Python 2.4 and Trac 0.93 and pysqlite 2. I change the DB-Connection-Part to work with pysqlite2

2.) I added a optional parameter for a log-file.

3.) I changed the order of the line in the part for the email-creation. Now the email has an correct email adress for every reciever of the notification-email instead of an empty "TO:" field.

If you have an questions please let me know: v.errath(at)


# Usage:
#   trac-wiki-notify <trac-url> <trac-path> <wiki-notification-page> \
#     <time-delta> <from-address> [<smtp-server>] [</path/to/logfile/logfiel.log>]
# This script extracts a list of subscribers from a trac page and mails them a
# list of changes over the last time-delta seconds.
# eg. This will mail any changes over the last hour:
#    trac-wiki-notify /srv/trac/devtodo WikiNotify 3600
# Users are included in the notification page as a Trac Wiki formatted list of 
# E-Mail addresses. ie. "<space><space>*<space><email>"

# changes by Viktor Errath
# Date: 2006-01-13 13:51
# email: v.errath(at)
# Changes:
#    - Now this script (this version of the trac-wiki-notification) work with 
#      plone 2.4 and pysqlite2
#    - Added one optional parameter 'LOGFILE'
#    - Re-Ordered the creation of the email-Body: Now the email has filled in
#      a correct Reciever-Adress (instead of an empty field)

from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
import sys
import smtplib
import re
from time import strftime, localtime, time

if len(sys.argv) < 5:
	raise StandardError("Not enough arguments")

trac_url, trac_location, notify_page, time_delta, smtp_from = sys.argv[1:6]
smtp_server = "localhost"
if len(sys.argv) > 6: smtp_server = sys.argv[6]
if len(sys.argv) > 7: logfile = sys.argv[7]

db = sqlite.connect(trac_location + "/db/trac.db")
q = db.cursor()

# Get list of users
q.execute("select text from wiki where name='%s' order by time desc limit 1" % notify_page)
row = q.fetchone()


if row:
	smtp_to = [x[4:].strip() for x in row[0].split("\n") if x[0:4] == '  * ']

	# Get list of pages
	act_time = int(strftime('%s', localtime())) - int(time_delta)
	q.execute("select name, time, author, comment, version from wiki where time > %s order by time desc" % str(act_time))
	changes = q.fetchall()

	if changes:

		# Create the email-body
		email_body = "Changes since %s\n\n" % strftime("%Y/%d/%m %H:%M:%S", localtime(time() - float(time_delta)))

		for change in changes:
			change_time = strftime("%Y/%d/%m %H:%M:%S", localtime(int(change[1])))
			email_body += "  %s (version %s) modified %s by %s" % (change[0], change[4], change_time, change[2])
			email_body += "\n    %swiki/%s?version=%s\n" % (trac_url, change[0], change[4])
			if change[3]: email_body += "    \"%s\"\n" % change[3]
			email_body += "\n"

		email_body += "\nYou can remove yourself from notifications at this URL:\n  %swiki/%s\n" % (trac_url, notify_page)

		smtp = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server)
		smtp = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server)
		# Finish the email
		for email in smtp_to:
			smtp_body = "From: %s\n" % smtp_from
			smtp_body += "To: %s\n" % email
			smtp_body += "Reply-To: %s\n" % smtp_from
			smtp_body += "Subject: Notification of %i changes to Trac Wiki %s\n\n" % (len(changes), trac_url)
			smtp_body += email_body
			# Send the mail
			smtp.sendmail(smtp_from, email, smtp_body)

		# Write logfile (or not)
		if len(sys.argv) > 7:
			fileobj = open(sys.argv[7], 'au')
		        fileobj.write('%s\n' % str(strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime())))
			fileobj.write('Trac-Wiki-Notification-Email sent to: %s' % smtp_to)
			fileobj.write('\n\n %s \n\n' % smtp_body)

Attachments (0)

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 19 years ago by Alec Thomas

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

(In [374]) * Committed changes from viktorerrath, thanks for the update. Closes #130.

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