
Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#13246 new defect

Notification emails are not sending

Reported by: ntmlod Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: DiscussionPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 1.0


Recently, our 1.0 Trac installation doesn't not send messages for new posts on our different forums.

I have tracked the events on Trac for the latest messages posted in the forums and found the same errors on the log file

2017-07-24 16:13:26,096 Trac[api] WARNING: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'resource'
2017-07-24 16:13:26,098 Trac[api] WARNING: PermissionError: Insufficient privileges to perform this operation.

The notifications for forums used to work before until we got back in the same time with the default notification system for tickets instead of WorkflowNotificationPlugin so I think somehow it should be related.

Attachments (0)

Change History (5)

comment:1 in reply to:  description Changed 8 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Replying to ntmlod:

The notifications for forums used to work before until we got back in the same time with the default notification system for tickets instead of WorkflowNotificationPlugin so I think somehow it should be related.

The sentence is a bit confusing to me, but if you think it stopped working after you installed a plugin and/or made a configuration change, it would help if you could narrow in on the culprit by temporarily disabling the plugin or reverting the configuration.

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by ntmlod

Sorry I wasn't probably clear.

The notification were working before for all resources (wiki, ticket and forum) and now only the forum notifications are missing.
WorkflowNotificationPlugin has been removed, egg file deleted and no specific configuration lines remains in trac.ini except I realized that I had forgotten to reset workflow setting in [ticket] section with the addition of TicketWorkflowNotifier provider.

My bad, but I'm a bit pessimistic it will re-enable the forum notification.

comment:3 Changed 8 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

The notifications work per my testing in an installation with no other plugins. If it was working for you, then stopped working, it would be helpful if you could narrow in on the plugin install or configuration change that resulted in discussion notifications no longer working.

comment:4 Changed 8 years ago by ntmlod

Well now I'm pretty convinced the issue is related to AccountManager.
The last notification message goes back to when we have switched from HTTP authentication with Apache to the embedded authentication with this plugin via HtPasswdStore.
Before I was only using the API methods to make another plugin work and now it is fully enabled (0.5dev version).

account_changes_notify_addresses = xxxx
allow_delete_account = true
auth_init = true
cookie_refresh_pct = 10
environ_auth_overwrite = true
force_passwd_change = true
generated_password_length = 8
htpasswd_file = ../auth/trac.passwd
htpasswd_hash_type = sha512
login_attempt_max_count = 3
login_opt_list = false
notify_actions = new,change,delete
password_store = HtPasswdStore
persistent_sessions = false
refresh_passwd = true
register_basic_token = I am fond of ocean modelling, please let me in.
require_approval = false
reset_password = true
user_lock_max_time = 86400
user_lock_time = 3600
username_regexp = (?i)^[a-z0-9]{5,}$
verify_email = true
acct_mgr.admin.useradminpanel = disabled
acct_mgr.db.sessionstore = disabled
acct_mgr.htfile.htdigeststore = disabled
acct_mgr.http.* = disabled
acct_mgr.register.* = disabled
acct_mgr.svnserve.svnservepasswordstore = disabled
trac.web.auth.loginmodule = disabled

comment:5 Changed 7 years ago by ntmlod

Last month, I recorded the events sequence when I post messages in the forum. So the bug seems to be related to a permission check for EMAIL_VIEW but the context has been lost meanwhile (void resource).

2017-08-08 17:27:31,363 Trac[api] DEBUG: Checking permission called with: action(DISCUSSION_VIEW),                    username(xxx), resource(<Resource u'discussion:forum/2'>), perm(<trac.perm.PermissionCache object at 0x40bfd20>)
2017-08-08 17:27:31,364 Trac[api] DEBUG: Checking permission called with: action(DISCUSSION_MODERATE),                    username(xxx), resource(None), perm(<trac.perm.PermissionCache object at 0x40997d0>)
2017-08-08 17:27:31,364 Trac[api] DEBUG: realm: discussion-core, action: post-add, format: None preview: False, submit: True
2017-08-08 17:27:31,364 Trac[api] DEBUG: Discussion actions: ['message-post-add']
2017-08-08 17:27:31,364 Trac[api] DEBUG: req.args: {'body': u"...", 'author': u'xxx', 'submit': u'Submit changes', 'topic': u'20', '__FORM_TOKEN': u'ad3d6bb86a11634f1cf11492', 'message': u'22', 'discussion_action': u'post-add'}
2017-08-08 17:27:31,364 Trac[api] DEBUG: Checking permission called with: action(DISCUSSION_APPEND),                    username(xxx), resource(<Resource u'discussion:forum/2/topic/20, discussion:forum/2/topic/20/message/22'>), perm(<trac.perm.PermissionCache object at 0x40bff00>)
2017-08-08 17:27:31,380 Trac[api] DEBUG: message_change_listeners: [<tracdiscussion.notification.DiscussionEmailNotification object at 0x41654d0>]
2017-08-08 17:27:32,655 Trac[api] DEBUG: Checking permission called with: action(EMAIL_VIEW),                    username(xxx), resource(None), perm(<trac.perm.PermissionCache object at 0x40997d0>)
2017-08-08 17:27:32,656 Trac[api] WARNING: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'resource'
2017-08-08 17:27:33,998 Trac[acronyms] DEBUG: Updating acronym database
2017-08-08 17:27:34,180 Trac[api] DEBUG: Discussion template: message-post-add.html data: {......................................................}
2017-08-08 17:27:34,181 Trac[core] DEBUG: Redirecting to /xxx/discussion/topic/20#message24
2017-08-11 15:13:02,302 Trac[api] DEBUG: Checking permission called with: action(TAGS_VIEW),                    username(xxx), resource(<Resource 'tag'>), perm(<trac.perm.PermissionCache object at 0x47a5dc0>)
2017-08-11 15:13:02,302 Trac[api] DEBUG: Checking permission called with: action(DISCUSSION_VIEW),                    username(xxx), resource(<Resource u'discussion:forum/2'>), perm(<trac.perm.PermissionCache object at 0x47a5d20>)
2017-08-11 15:13:02,304 Trac[api] DEBUG: Checking permission called with: action(DISCUSSION_MODERATE),                    username(xxx), resource(None), perm(<trac.perm.PermissionCache object at 0x47817d0>)
2017-08-11 15:13:02,304 Trac[api] DEBUG: realm: discussion-core, action: post-add, format: None preview: False, submit: True
2017-08-11 15:13:02,304 Trac[api] DEBUG: Discussion actions: ['message-post-add']
2017-08-11 15:13:02,304 Trac[api] DEBUG: req.args: {'body': u"...", 'author': u'xxx', 'submit': u'Submit changes', 'topic': u'20', '__FORM_TOKEN': u'ad3d6bb86a11634f1cf11492', 'message': u'26', 'discussion_action': u'post-add'}
2017-08-11 15:13:02,304 Trac[api] DEBUG: Checking permission called with: action(DISCUSSION_APPEND),                    username(xxx), resource(<Resource u'discussion:forum/2/topic/20, discussion:forum/2/topic/20/message/26'>), perm(<trac.perm.PermissionCache object at 0x47a5f00>)
2017-08-11 15:13:02,306 Trac[api] DEBUG: message_change_listeners: [<tracdiscussion.notification.DiscussionEmailNotification object at 0x4854190>]
2017-08-11 15:13:03,586 Trac[api] DEBUG: Checking permission called with: action(EMAIL_VIEW),                    username(xxx), resource(None), perm(<trac.perm.PermissionCache object at 0x47817d0>)
2017-08-11 15:13:03,587 Trac[api] WARNING: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'resource'
2017-08-11 15:13:04,954 Trac[acronyms] DEBUG: Updating acronym database
2017-08-11 15:13:05,142 Trac[api] DEBUG: Discussion template: message-post-add.html data: {......................................................}
2017-08-11 15:13:05,142 Trac[core] DEBUG: Redirecting to /xxx/discussion/topic/20#message27

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