
Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#13363 accepted defect

Loading of Test Manager takes too long and page never is retrieved

Reported by: uma.anand@… Owned by: Roberto Longobardi
Priority: highest Component: TestManagerForTracPlugin
Severity: blocker Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release:



When uploading test cases to a catalog by mistake it has taken all the blank lines as well and around 40000 tcs have been added i guess, after this action test manager has become unresponsive and keeps loading we deleted all the catalogs in database but still on ui it is still not accesible

Can you please help

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Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by anonymous

Summary: Test Manager goes on loading when clicked onLoading of Test Manager takes too long and page never is retrieved

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by anonymous

TestManager 1.9.1

comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by Roberto Longobardi

Status: newaccepted

Hi, the only thing that comes to my mind is to delete the unwanted tcs.

If the GUI is unresponsive, you may use a python command line, as described here:

You can start with this example:

At the beginning of the file, change the trac_project_url variable with the information to access your Trac server:

trac_project_url = "http://user@yourserver:port/yourproject/rpc"

Then you can query test catalogs using this command:

for tc in server.testmanager.listRootCatalogs():
    for v in tc:
        print v

When you have identified the catalog you want, assign tits id to the catalog_id variable and then list the test cases using this command:

for tc in server.testmanager.listTestCases(catalog_id):
    for v in tc:
        print v

Then, to delete any single test case, assign its id to the tc_id variable and use this command:

server.testmanager.deleteTestObject('testcase', tc_id)

It should be easy to write a script to delete all tcs wrongly imported.

Let me know if you need any assistance.


Last edited 7 years ago by Roberto Longobardi (previous) (diff)

comment:4 Changed 7 years ago by Roberto Longobardi

Ah, and you will need to install the XmlRpcPlugin plugin into your Trac to be able to use the TestManager command line.

comment:5 Changed 7 years ago by anonymous

thank you , i will try these and keep you updated

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