#14049 closed defect (duplicate)
Problem to login with a new user
Reported by: | haraldlesch | Owned by: | Ryan J Ollos |
Priority: | normal | Component: | AccountManagerPlugin |
Severity: | normal | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Trac Release: | 1.4 |
If i create a new user with the plugin and i try to login i always get auto logged in with my previous user i have logged in before. The login popup where you can enter username / password gets never shown again. In the log i see that it seems to keep the session ids even i clicked logout and when i login again it just uses this session / user. How to fix this behaviour so i can see the login popup again. Before installing the plugin, the login popup got shown after i click on login. After installing the plugin i get always auto logged in, even when i disable the plugin it still auto logges me in.
Attachments (0)
Change History (4)
comment:1 follow-up: 4 Changed 4 years ago by
Severity: | normal → major |
comment:2 Changed 4 years ago by
Keywords: | Login removed |
Priority: | high → normal |
Severity: | major → normal |
comment:4 Changed 4 years ago by
Replying to haraldlesch:
I got a solution by using TracAccountManager 0.6.dev0 and using the plugin's LoginModule
[components] acct_mgr.web_ui.LoginModule = enabled trac.web.auth.LoginModule = disabled
That is typically a installation and/or configuration issue. Please ask on the trac-users mailing list for support questions.