
Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#1428 closed enhancement (duplicate)

What about remembering that user was logined (into cookies)?

Reported by: Sagrer Owned by: Matt Good
Priority: normal Component: AccountManagerPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.10


If i login into trac, then close my browser, then open it again and visit any page of trac - i see that i must visit login page again, write login&pass... why not to add a checkbox "remember me" (for a week for example) into login page?

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comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by jhahn@…

I was looking for the same functionality and hacked it in to my version of 0.10. Unfortunately, there's a change required in the trac.web.auth module, outside of the scope of AccountManagerPlugin. In trac/web/ there is a function _do_login in which the cookie is set. I added the following at the end of the function (after the other two outcookie lines).

if req.args.get('remember'):
  req.outcookie['trac_auth']['expires'] = 86400

Keep the whitespace consistent, of course, and the number is just the number of seconds before expiration. With this, the cookies have a lifetime of one day. The other half of the hack is in the AccountManagerPlugin 0.10 branch, under source:0.10/acct_mgr/templates/login.cs.

Before the Login submit input at line 27, I added:

   <input type="checkbox" id="remember" name="remember" />
   <label for="remember">Remember me for the day</label>

That adds the checkbox and req data. I rebuilt the AccountManager egg, tossed it into my trac/plugins dir, and restarted the web server (to apply the change to trac.web.auth). Worked like a charm.

I'm not going to bother implementing this since trac.web.auth is outside of the scope of this source tree. I'll leave that to someone feeling slightly more ambitious.

comment:2 Changed 18 years ago by Sagrer

hm.... look this #131

i don't know why i had not seen this first time... but a patch for plugin is exists, as i understand it works without patching source of track, only plugin's sour

comment:3 Changed 18 years ago by jhahn@…

For what it's worth, I went looking and missed that too. I thought the _do_login in AccountManager looked suspiciously capable of handling the change, but it didn't occur to me that I could just add the modifications to outcookie there to the returned value. It makes sense now looking at that diff file.

Strangely, they seem to make changes to _do_logout, but I haven't seen any problems with logging out.

Oh well, I'll stand by my mistake. It was more fun hacking up the source.

comment:4 Changed 18 years ago by rupert thurner

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

of #131.

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