
Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#1575 closed enhancement (fixed)

Should it be possible to choose branches, too?

Reported by: andy@… Owned by: edunne
Priority: normal Component: TestCaseManagementPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.10


Hallo again. Thanks for your work so far!

I'm not sure, but there is the question if there should be the possibility to choose a branch, where the test cases should be fetched from.

Perhaps you made a branch last week but worked straight forward on trunk (including changing the test cases). This week the last week's version should be tested, so currently you are not able to generate a test run with the test cases from last week, are you?

Greeting from Rosenheim,


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Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by anonymous

Owner: changed from edunne to anonymous
Status: newassigned

well the klunky way to switch between different branches where the testcases might reside is simply to change the path in the TRAC config file. But that's a bit brutal.

hmmm, I wonder about introducing another xml tag into the testtemplates.xml file which you could edit and list the additional locations of the branched codelines.

So the default would always be referencing trunk, but you could switch it to one of the branches. This is a slight more difficult problem to solve, but I can see how it would be very useful.

I'll think about this for a bit before trying to implement a solution.

comment:2 Changed 18 years ago by anonymous

oh and was that Rosenheim Germany? nice.

I'm from Calgary, Canada.

comment:3 Changed 18 years ago by andy@…

Yes, it's in Germany - did you know that by heart?

How about adding a additional textfield where you can paste the subversion-path to the testcases? When left empty the one in the trac.ini will be used...

Just an idea =)

comment:4 Changed 18 years ago by edunne

Owner: changed from anonymous to edunne
Status: assignednew

yeah that could possibly work. I'll put something together and check it into trunk.

comment:5 Changed 18 years ago by andy@…

Fine =)

Another idea, but surely much more work:

When opening a testcase/testtemplate in Trac's Source Browser, there could be a button "run as test case".

comment:6 Changed 18 years ago by edunne

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

ok it wasn't quite as easy as adding a new text field.

The reasons why it was harder is due to concerns around was mostly due to validating the test run. When the test run page is shown, the test cases listed are already whatever ever is at the default location, and that list might not match up with what's in the branch.

Anyway, I had to add a new component as part of the plugin (so a new page), where you can temporarily change the path that the test case managment plugin is looking at.

Then there were some complications with passing the modified path around to the various other components.

Anyway, I think it's a workable solution.

It's fixed only in the trunk, so you can download it and install it using easy install:


Oh and your other idea was interesting, but like you said way, way more work. :-)

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