
Opened 17 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#1712 closed defect (wontfix)

source:trunk/path/to/somewhere links do not become links in the pdf

Reported by: blyth@… Owned by: chenca
Priority: normal Component: Trac2LatexPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.10


the subject says it all, almost ... it would be great if all the TracLinks were propagated as links into the pdf, especially :


trying to visit TracLinks with ?format=tex to see what is supported gives an error :

LATEX PARSER ERROR: 'charmap' codec can't encode character u'u2014' in position 157: character maps to

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Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by anonymous

I made the links work to some extent by, a small change in ... I hope this might help you with a cleaner solution

def _make_link(self, ns, target, match, label):
        # first check for an alias defined in trac.ini
        ns = self.env.config.get('intertrac', ns) or ns
        if ns in
        # SCB pragmatic approach ... do a match on the "a" tag to get the href 
        #   scbrez=self.scb_atagre.match(atag)
        #   if scbrez:
        #       return r"%s %s " % ( , )
        #   else:
            atag_element =[ns](self, ns, target, escape(label, False))
            atag_text = r"%s" % atag_element
            atag_bits = split(atag_text,"\"")
            return self._make_hf_ext_link( atag_bits[3] , label )
        elif target.startswith('//') or ns == "mailto":
            return self._make_ext_link(ns+':'+target, label)
            return self._make_intertrac_link(ns, target, label) or \
                   self._make_interwiki_link(ns, target, label) or \

    def _make_hf_ext_link(self, url, text, title=''):
        text = self._latexescape_comments(text, None)
        url = self._latexescape_comments(url, None)
        if text == url:
            return r"\hfurl{%s}" % url
            return r"\hfhref{%s}{%s}" % (url, text)

comment:2 Changed 4 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Deprecated and removed.

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