
Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

Last modified 19 years ago

#292 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Auto tagging with 'blog' when importing a wiki into trac

Reported by: joergprante@… Owned by: John Hampton
Priority: low Component: TracBlogPlugin
Severity: minor Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.10


I'm not sure if this can be done in the blog plugin, but it would be nice to keep the original timestamp of foreign wiki entries when importing to trac. Is there a possibility to set the "blog" tag while performing trac-admin wiki load?

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comment:1 Changed 19 years ago by Noah Kantrowitz

The retaining of timestamps would have to be done inside trac-admin, and as such you are probably better off asking over at the main Trac site.

comment:2 Changed 19 years ago by John Hampton

Status: newassigned

I'm not sure if I fully understand the request.

Like coderanger said, if you simply want to keep the creation timestamp the same as the foreign system, then that is more a question for the trac devs. The blog plugin has nothing to do with trac-admin. As far as I know, trac-admin isn't very extensible, so I'm not sure if it would even be worth trying to add hooks in it.

If you're talking about the fact that when you tag the entry as blog, after it has been imported, it then shows up with an "Updated" message, then I can do a little something about that. However, the biggest issue there is that tags aren't versioned, so I can't tell which revision was the first revision to get tagged. I am planning on implementing a parameter to the macro, and possibly a trac.ini parameter that will let you turn off the "Updated" messages

comment:3 Changed 19 years ago by John Hampton

Resolution: wontfix
Status: assignedclosed

I have added a trac.ini field for disabling the "Updated on" messages

If trac-admin ever becomes slightly extensible, then I'll take a look at being able to tag pages on import. However, it's not really possible at this point.

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