
Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#2975 closed defect (fixed)

CarbonCopySubscriber is not properly invoked on a ticket change event

Reported by: Cedric Hurst Owned by: Stephen Hansen
Priority: normal Component: AnnouncerPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


With the CarbonCopySubscriber module activated, 'cedric' listed as owner, and 'steven' listed as cc:

2008-04-30 16:07:38,672 Trac[api] DEBUG: AnnouncementSystem found the following subscribers capable of handling 'ticket, changed': LegacyTicketSubscrib$
2008-04-30 16:07:38,675 Trac[ticket_compat] DEBUG: LegacyTicketSubscriber added 'cedric (authenticated)' because of rule: always_notify_owner
2008-04-30 16:07:38,676 Trac[ticket_compat] DEBUG: LegacyTicketSubscriber added 'cedric (authenticated)' because of rule: always_notify_updater
2008-04-30 16:07:38,678 Trac[api] DEBUG: AnnouncementSystem has found the following subscriptions: [cedric(authenticated) via email]
2008-04-30 16:07:38,681 Trac[email_distributor] DEBUG: EmailDistributor has found the following formats capable of handling 'email' of 'ticket': text/h$
2008-04-30 16:07:38,697 Trac[email_distributor] DEBUG: EmailDistributor found the address '' for 'cedric (authenticated)' via: Session$
2008-04-30 16:07:38,698 Trac[email_distributor] DEBUG: EmailDistributor is sending event as 'text/html' to:
2008-04-30 16:07:39,725 Trac[email_distributor] DEBUG: EmailDistributor took 0.65 seconds to send.
2008-04-30 16:07:39,725 Trac[api] DEBUG: AnnouncementSystem sent event in 1.06 seconds.

i figured this had something to do with the get_subscription_categories method of the the CarbonCopySubscriber. So I simply mirrored the body of the same method in LegacyTicketSubscriber and the problem was resolved:

2008-04-30 16:45:11,119 Trac[api] DEBUG: AnnouncementSystem found the following subscribers capable of handling 'ticket, changed': LegacyTicketSubscrib$
2008-04-30 16:45:11,122 Trac[ticket_compat] DEBUG: LegacyTicketSubscriber added 'cedric (authenticated)' because of rule: always_notify_owner
2008-04-30 16:45:11,123 Trac[ticket_compat] DEBUG: LegacyTicketSubscriber added 'cedric (authenticated)' because of rule: always_notify_updater
2008-04-30 16:45:11,125 Trac[ticket_compat] DEBUG: CarbonCopySubscriber added 'steven <None>' because of rule: carbon copied
2008-04-30 16:45:11,126 Trac[api] DEBUG: AnnouncementSystem has found the following subscriptions: [cedric(authenticated) via email], [steven(authentic$
2008-04-30 16:45:11,130 Trac[email_distributor] DEBUG: EmailDistributor has found the following formats capable of handling 'email' of 'ticket': text/h$
2008-04-30 16:45:11,136 Trac[email_distributor] DEBUG: EmailDistributor found the address '' for 'cedric (authenticated)' via: Session$
2008-04-30 16:45:11,140 Trac[email_distributor] DEBUG: EmailDistributor found the address '' for 'steven (authenticated)' via: Sessi$
2008-04-30 16:45:11,140 Trac[email_distributor] DEBUG: EmailDistributor is sending event as 'text/html' to:,
2008-04-30 16:45:12,278 Trac[email_distributor] DEBUG: EmailDistributor took 0.78 seconds to send.
2008-04-30 16:45:12,278 Trac[api] DEBUG: AnnouncementSystem sent event in 1.17 seconds.
2008-04-30 16:07:39,725 Trac[email_distributor] DEBUG: EmailDistributor took 0.65 seconds to send.
2008-04-30 16:07:39,725 Trac[api] DEBUG: AnnouncementSystem sent event in 1.06 seconds.

Attachments (1)

announcerplugin-carboncopysubscriberpatch.patch (665 bytes) - added by Cedric Hurst 17 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

Changed 17 years ago by Cedric Hurst

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by Robert Corsaro

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

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as closed The owner will remain Stephen Hansen.
The resolution will be deleted. Next status will be 'reopened'.

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