
Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#3333 closed defect (fixed)

Changes in trac.ini requires trac-admin upgrade when plugin is enabled

Reported by: redetin@… Owned by: Russ Tyndall
Priority: normal Component: TimingAndEstimationPlugin
Severity: critical Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


When having plugin enabled and touching non related settings in trac.ini timing and estimation requires trac-admin upgrade to environment.

This is very incovenient specially when using IniAdminPlugin that modifies trac.ini on the fly.

Plugin must not require upgrade if properties not related to plugin in trac.ini has changed.

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Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by Russ Tyndall

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

The only time this should happen is when you change the workflow. This is necessary because it needs to statically rewrites all of the reports to interact with those statuses instead of the old ones. I could not come up with anyway to make this dynamic (other than just upgrading automatically when it is asking whether or not I need to update, but that seems very wrong). If you are experiencing this when you are not changing the worflow, please let me know what properties you changed, so that I can track down what is triggering an update.

Feel free to reopen if I have misunderstood, or there is still an error.


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