
Opened 17 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#3679 closed defect (wontfix)

script failed to populate tables

Reported by: schelcj@… Owned by: John Hampton
Priority: normal Component: SqliteToPgScript
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.10


I have been attempting to migrate our sqlite db's over to postgres. When i run the migration script it appears that all tables are imported except the wiki and tickets tables. Below is version info, command, and debug output. let me know if more info is requried. thanks

version info:

trac:     0.10.4 (same results with trac 0.10.3)
linux:    slackware-10.0.0
python:   2.3.4
sqlite3:  3.2.7
postgres: 8.2.9

command i used:

python ./sqlite2pg -e /usr/local/trac/projects -p 'postgres://trac:@localhost/projects?schema=projects'

here is the output from the script:

[12356] pq_begin: issued 'BEGIN; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED'                                                                    command
[12356] pq_execute: executing SYNC query:
[12356]     SET search_path TO 'podtrack'
[12356] pq_execute: entering syncronous DBAPI compatibility mode
[12356] pq_fetch: pgstatus = PGRES_COMMAND_OK
[12356] pq_fetch: command returned OK (no tuples)
[12356] pq_fetch: fetching done; check for critical errors
[12356] psyco_curs_execute: res = 1, pgres = (nil)
[12356] cursor_dealloc: deleted cursor object at 0x40a12ab0, refcnt = 0
460 of 460 rows already existed in the wiki table
659 of 778 rows already existed in the ticket table
11812 of 11877 rows already existed in the ticket_change table
[12356] pq_abort: pgconn = 0x8243448, isolevel = 1, status = 2
[12356] pq_clear_async: clearing PGresult at (nil)
[12356] pq_abort: issued 'ABORT' command
[12356] conn_close: PQfinish called
[12356] connection_dealloc: deleted connection object at 0x40ceb4a0, refcnt = 0

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comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

This plugin is deprecated. See the TracMigratePlugin.

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