
Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#3693 new enhancement

Change where to display identicons

Reported by: ghama Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: HackergotchiPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


I wanted to change where to display icons.

Here is the patch (Please change its option name as you like):

*** /home/ghama/      2008-09-11 12:53:03.000000000 +0900
--- hackergotchi/      2008-09-11 13:00:07.000000000 +0900
*** 20,27 ****
--- 20,30 ----
      providers = OrderedExtensionsOption('hackergotchi', 'providers', 
                                          default='GravatarHackergotchiProvider, IdenticonHackergotchiProvider')
+     place = Option('hackergotchi', 'place', default='itemtop',
+                     doc='where to show identicon [itemtop|nearname]')
      implements(ITemplateStreamFilter, ITemplateProvider)
      anon_re = re.compile('([^<]+?)\s+<([^>]+)>', re.U)
*** 61,69 ****
                  # Output the combined stream
                  return itertools.chain(elm.generate(), stream)
!             stream |= Transformer('//div[@id="content"]/dl/dt/a/span[@class="time"]').filter(f)
              add_stylesheet(req, 'hackergotchi/hackergotchi.css')
          return stream
      # ITemplateProvider methods
--- 64,76 ----
                  # Output the combined stream
                  return itertools.chain(elm.generate(), stream)
!             if == 'nearname':
!                 selector = '//div[@id="content"]/dl/dt/a/span[@class="author"]'
!             else:
!                 selector = '//div[@id="content"]/dl/dt/a/span[@class="time"]'
!             stream |= Transformer(selector).filter(f)
              add_stylesheet(req, 'hackergotchi/hackergotchi.css')
          return stream

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comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Owner: Noah Kantrowitz deleted

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