
Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

Last modified 19 years ago

#373 closed defect (fixed)

`png_anti_alias` always evaluate to `True`

Reported by: Emmanuel Blot Owned by: Peter Kropf
Priority: normal Component: GraphvizPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.9


The current implementation graphvizplugin/0.9/graphviz/ always evaluates to True, which makes the rsvg a mandatory dependency.

From a more general perspective, I believe that it would be nice to branch the current code of the GraphvizPlugin plugin so that milestone:0.9 and milestone:0.10 are implemented against the same Trac official releases, so that the plugin makes use of the appropriate features (such as getbool).

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Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 19 years ago by Peter Kropf

Status: newassigned

It looks like that got missed in my testing. I'll put together a fix and get it out tomorrow. In the mean time, just comment out the png_anti_alias line in the trac.ini file.

As to keeping two active versions of GraphvizPlugin, I'm planning on creating a 0.10 specifc implementation once Trac 0.10 has been released. It would be seperate from the 0.9 GraphvizPlugin code and would take advantage of the Trac 0.10 specific features and API's as appropiate. The 0.9 GraphvizPlugin code would then be put into maintenance mode and no new features added, only bug fixes.

I am a bit concerned about how to tell the Graphviz plugin for Trac 0.9 from the Graphviz plugin for Trac 0.10. Currently, GraphvizPlugin has its own version number, currently v0.6.3. That would most likely have to change to include the Trac version number. If this isn't done, I think it would be too easy for someone to install the wrong GraphvizPlugin version and not really know why things break.

Though I am interested in hearing throught from other people both from the users perspective and from other plugin developers. It could be that I'm over thinking the problem or that this really isn't a problem...

comment:2 Changed 19 years ago by Peter Kropf

Just an update that I won't be able to release GraphvizPlugin 0.6.4 before May 30th. I'm heading out of town for a week and won't have Internet access. In the mean time, if you're having problems with png_anti_alias just remove the entry from trac.ini.

comment:3 Changed 19 years ago by Peter Kropf

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed w/ changeset:800.

comment:4 Changed 19 years ago by Noah Kantrowitz

You should really look at using config.getbool() ...

comment:5 Changed 19 years ago by Peter Kropf

Ah, if life were only that easy. I was actually using config.getbool() for a Graphviz release, I think it was 0.6.2. However, there were problems with existing installations being unable to use the Graphviz plugin because they were using a 0.9 trac installation that pre-dated the addition of config.getbool(). I think config.getbool() was added for the 0.9.3 release.

comment:6 Changed 19 years ago by Noah Kantrowitz

Saying "people don't upgrade" is not a good reason to needlessly duplicate code. It leads to generally sloppy and difficult to maintain systems. 0.9.x has a direct upgrade path, so there really isn't much of a reason to try to keep compatibility in for every version.

comment:7 Changed 19 years ago by Peter Kropf

While in general I agree, adding a simple function to allow existing installations to use the plugin makes more sense to me. It's all about customer service. There were a reasonable number of people who were effected by the 0.6.2 release, the one where I originally use config.getbool(). This was an easy to impliment and maintain solution that solved the problem that they encountered.

When trac 0.10 is released, this (and some other) code will be removed for a trac 0.10 specific release of Graphviz.

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