
Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#4354 new defect

allow usage in "many-users" environments

Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: UserManagerPlugin
Severity: critical Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


we have <50 trac instances in a trac parent environment. we use accountmanager, and for all trac instances one central apache passwd-file for managing the passwords.

installing usermanager leads to the following phenomens:

  • there is two "user" entries on the admin-menu
  • it displays all hundreds of users in red, saying they are missing in the team
  • pressing "add users" imports all of them without asking
  • the import success message has two lines but is 1 meter broad with horizontal scrollbar
  • removing all of these users means pressing "remove" hundreds of times
  • all hundreds users are displayed as external users which makes the page very slow
  • pressing "remove" on the user entry removes the entry in the passwd file as well, i.e. it is not the opposite of "add users"
  • opening every single user displays the warning "user1, user2, ..., user500 users are not added to the team".

Attachments (1)

admin_menuentry.patch (480 bytes) - added by izzy 15 years ago.
Patch for the doubled "Users" entry, renaming the second one to "User Manager" and giving it an own URL to not conflict with AccountManagerPlugin

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by izzy

I second to this ticket, adding one item: In a multi-instance trac parent environment as described above, it would be nice to store all the user-related data in a central place (per-parent), so if a user changes the email in one environment, this is reflected automatically in the others - just to give an example.

As for the "two user entries" on the admin menu: It seems that "yielding" an already existing entry does not overwrite the old one (well, who knows which of the two should survive?). So the options here are:

  • comment out the corresponding "yield" command in Account Manager
  • rename the entry to something else, and do the same for the URL

I decided for the latter, and will add my patch after having updated this description.

For the second point: If there are users known to Trac (e.g. via the AccountManagerPlugin), they should be automatically considered "known" to the UserManagerPlugin. If I understand this right, "external users" are those validated via some "external handler" (i.e. not by Trac itself - or, in other words, the password is not stored in the Trac database), such as LdapPlugin or AccountManagerPlugin? The only difference from the fields I can see is that for "external users" I can specify passwords. However, they should be added to the corresponding section automatically - which would make the 3rd, 4th, and 8th item of above list obsolete, and number 7 the "expected behaviour" (thus also obsolete). Leaves numbers 5 and 6:

Number 5 could be solved by adding check boxes in front of each entry, and add a last line for "actions for all marked entries" - here: Just "Delete all marked", but I could also think of some "mass updates" adding certain attributes to a group of users.

Cannot say anything to number 6 - since I don't have that many users ;)

So we met again on the next plugin, Catalin ;) Hope I can be a little helpful here as well...

Changed 15 years ago by izzy

Attachment: admin_menuentry.patch added

Patch for the doubled "Users" entry, renaming the second one to "User Manager" and giving it an own URL to not conflict with AccountManagerPlugin

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Owner: changed from Catalin BALAN to Ryan J Ollos
Status: newassigned

comment:3 Changed 4 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Owner: Ryan J Ollos deleted
Status: assignednew

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