
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#4361 closed defect (fixed)

Enabling plugin causes SystemError: Parent module 'repository_hook_system' not loaded

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: Jeff Hammel
Priority: high Component: RepositoryHookSystemPlugin
Severity: critical Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


I just installed this plugin. Immediately after enabling the plugin trac dies with the following traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/trac/web/", line 367, in send_error
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/trac/web/", line 687, in render_template
    template = self.load_template(filename, method=method)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/trac/web/", line 663, in load_template
    self.templates = TemplateLoader(self.get_all_templates_dirs(),
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/trac/web/", line 410, in get_all_templates_dirs
    dirs += provider.get_templates_dirs()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/RepositoryHookSystem-0.1-py2.5.egg/repository_hook_system/", line 55, in get_templates_dirs
    from pkg_resources import resource_filename
SystemError: Parent module 'repository_hook_system' not loaded}}}

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Change History (12)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Jeff Hammel

How is this plugin being installed? DL source + python install or direct DL of egg?

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by anonymous

easy_install from svn source.

comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by anonymous

I tried variations on the TracPlugins installation page

I just now completely uninstalled it then reinstalled it by dl zipped source and building it with "python bdist_egg" then copying the egg into my plugins dir under my trac instance. I have also done a variation on that "python install"

still the final system error is the same.

comment:4 Changed 16 years ago by Jeff Hammel

Status: newassigned

working on reproduction; so far no luck

comment:5 Changed 16 years ago by Jeff Hammel


Reproduction steps:

(using virtualenv)

  • from the command line:
virtualenv trac
cd trac
. bin/activate
mkdir src
cd src 
svn co TracLegos
cd TracLegos
python develop
cd example/oss
python develop
cd -
paster serve --reload development.ini

(Note: this is boilerplate)

  • Click Create Project
  • Enter name and URL: foo, foo
  • Click next and then create project
  • restart paster (kill and then run above command again) this is necessary because the installed plugins are not loaded into python; need to work around this
trac-admin trac/src/TracLegos/projects/foo upgrade
  • refresh page
  • click register tab
  • create an account
trac-admin src/TracLegos/projects/foo permission add <username> TRAC_ADMIN
  • reload page, click admin tab
  • in src/, svn co RepositoryHookSystem
  • cd RepositoryHookSystem/
  • python install

  • restart paster/trac (again)
  • click on plugins
  • enable the RepositoryHookSystem plugin

Error Message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jhammel/trac/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Trac-", line 367, in send_error
  File "/home/jhammel/trac/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Trac-", line 687, in render_template
    template = self.load_template(filename, method=method)
  File "/home/jhammel/trac/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Trac-", line 663, in load_template
    self.templates = TemplateLoader(self.get_all_templates_dirs(),
  File "/home/jhammel/trac/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Trac-", line 410, in get_all_templates_dirs
    dirs += provider.get_templates_dirs()
  File "/home/jhammel/trac/lib/python2.5/site-packages/RepositoryHookSystem-0.1-py2.5.egg/repository_hook_system/", line 55, in get_templates_dirs
    from pkg_resources import resource_filename
SystemError: Parent module 'repository_hook_system' not loaded

(sorry for the verbosity, but wanted to give the whole procedure for posterity)

comment:6 Changed 16 years ago by Jeff Hammel

i notice that package data isn't included properly; will try to fix that and see if it helps

comment:7 Changed 16 years ago by Jeff Hammel

(In [5108]) move import of pkg_resources to top of file; refs #4361

comment:8 in reply to:  7 Changed 16 years ago by Jeff Hammel

Replying to k0s:

(In [5108]) move import of pkg_resources to top of file; refs #4361

well, now i'm even more confused. this seems to fix one issue but makes the other components disappear. will redo reproduction steps and hopefully see what's going on

comment:9 Changed 16 years ago by Jeff Hammel

i also still don't understand the root cause of this error at all; my only current suspicion is my bad handling of, but its purely a far-fetched guess

comment:10 Changed 16 years ago by Jeff Hammel

think i fixed; trying to reproduce with above steps to make sure; still unsure what the issue was/is

comment:11 Changed 16 years ago by Jeff Hammel

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

should be fixed now; again, not really sure where the error ultimately was

comment:12 Changed 16 years ago by anonymous

confirmed. The plugin now works.

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