
Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#4616 assigned enhancement

Simplify the creation of multi-page documents

Reported by: mvlcek Owned by: Nickolas Grigoriadis
Priority: high Component: TracWikiToPdfPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords: patch
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


The patch allows the definition of a document on a wiki page like follows:


Anything between the two horizontal lines will be put on the title page.

The configured title page is not used.


In the section all linked pages are added to the document. The links must be in the following format:
 * [wiki:Chapter1]
 * [wiki:Chapter2]
 * [wiki:Chapter3]
 * ...
Everything besides the links is ignored.

Attachments (2) (5.7 KB) - added by mvlcek 16 years ago.
multiple_pages_patch.txt (5.2 KB) - added by Michael Medin 15 years ago.
patch to add "this" to 0.11

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

Changed 16 years ago by mvlcek

Attachment: added

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by mvlcek

Priority: normalhigh

Added support for reading the header for the table of content:


Anything between the two horizontal lines will be put on the title page.

The configured title page is not used.


The first header in this section is used as caption for the table of content

== Table of Content ==

In the section all linked pages are added to the document. The links must be in the following format:
 * [wiki:Chapter1]
 * [wiki:Chapter2]
 * [wiki:Chapter3]
 * ...
Everything besides the links is ignored.}}}

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by izzy

Will there be a similar patch (or the functionality added to the code) for 0.11?

comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by Nickolas Grigoriadis

Owner: changed from Diorgenes Felipe Grzesiuk to Nickolas Grigoriadis
Status: newassigned

I think that this functionality is very important for this plugin, I just don't know if this is the "right" way to do something like this.

I agree it should use a TOC-like structure, but maybe a macro/ or markup would be of more use?

Something like:

<Frontpage override, if you don't specify this it uses the default one>

Variables to replace data in frontpage.
Title = <blah>
Sub-Title = <blah>
Version = <blah>
Date = <blah>
If Date is not specified, it will automatically populate it with the generation date.

TOCCaption = <Table of Contents Caption>
Pages = PageOne,PageTwo,Pages/*

Anything else is ignored.

The preprocessor by default returns blank back to Trac.

You could pace a link to "Download Current PDF book" like:

Download all documentation as [wiki:ThisPage?format=pdfbook PDF Book]

The issue is HOW, I'm not entirely sure how to do all this.

comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by Nickolas Grigoriadis

mvlcek: Commit [5673] adds your patch for version 0.10 I cannot support 0.10 properly, since I didn't have a 0.10 installation for ages. Please check that is works fine. Thanks in advance, Grigi

comment:5 Changed 15 years ago by anonymous allows to specify such a page usable for the wiki.

if the macro text could be specified on the tracnav table of contents page it would be usable for both, (1) the wiki itself, and (2) printing pdf.

another possibility for specifying the contents would be the TagsPlugin, by using lists like [[ListTagged(macro -plugin)]].

comment:6 Changed 15 years ago by Michael Medin

Keywords: patch added
Trac Release: 0.100.11

I did a quick fix to add this support to the 0.11 branch. Now I am (as always) not a python/trac/* expert so take this for hat it is. There are also some issues with the title/subject (which are not set, but they are not set from the admin either so maybe I have configured something wrong). The relevant sections are the onse below, the patch has some other things I have played with as well (which might not be what everyone wants).

@@ -224,9 +230,48 @@
         page = wiki_to_pdf(text, self.env, req, base_dir, codepage)

         hfile, hfilename = mkstemp('wikitopdf')
-        os.write(hfile, page)
+       os.write(hfile, page)

+       mo = None
+       if text.startswith('----'):
+               mo = re.match(r'\-+\r\n([^\-].*?)\r\n\-\-\-\-+\r\n([^\-].*?)\r\n\-\-\-\-+\r\n(.*)', text, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
+       if mo:
+               bookname = 'WikiToPdf'
+               title = 'WikiToPdf'
+               subject = 'WikiToPdf'
+               title =
+               bn = re.match(r'.*?bookname\=(.*?)\r\n',, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
+               if bn:
+                       bookname =
+               bn = re.match(r'.*?title\=(.*?)\r\n',, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
+               if bn:
+                       title =
+               bn = re.match(r'.*?subject\=(.*?)\r\n',, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
+               if bn:
+                       subject =
+               pages = [p for p in re.findall(r'\[wiki:([^\] ]+)',]
+               title_page =
+               formats = {}
+               for provider in self.formats:
+                   for format, name in provider.wikitopdf_formats(req):
+                       formats[format] = {
+                           'name': name,
+                           'provider': provider,
+                       }
+                       self.env.log.error('TEST => Name: %s' % (name))
+               date = '2008-01-01'
+               version = '1.0'
+               format = 'pdf'
+               if not format or format not in formats:
+                       raise TracError('Bad format given for WikiToPdf output.')
+               return formats[format]['provider'].process_wikitopdf(req, format, title, subject, pages, date, version, bookname)
         htmldoc_args = { 'webpage': '', 'format': 'pdf14', 'charset': codepage }

Changed 15 years ago by Michael Medin

Attachment: multiple_pages_patch.txt added

patch to add "this" to 0.11

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