
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#4834 closed task (fixed)

Getting Write access to TracWikiToPdfPlugin

Reported by: Nickolas Grigoriadis Owned by: Diorgenes Felipe Grzesiuk
Priority: normal Component: TracWikiToPdfPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


Requesting to get Write access to this plugin. It seems that the current maintainer is too busy, so I propose to take over for a while.

The standard procedure is:

  1. Open a ticket for the hack in question, ask about it's maintainership status and tell the audience that you'd be willing to take over maintainership. Then sit back and wait for at least two weeks, to see if the author of the hack replies.
  1. a. If the author replies, he is to decide how to proceed. He could deny your request, ask us to give you read/write permission for the hack in the repository or even pass (maintainer|owner)ship to you.
  1. b. If the author does not reply within the given time frame, contact one of the admins. They will check the status quo, probably try again to get in contact with the author, and eventually decide on your request. In most cases you would be granted (maintainer|owner)ship of the hack in

question if its development seems stalled and if neither the original author nor any contributor can be contacted in a reasonable timeframe.

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Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by izzy

It would really be great if somebody would start integrating the patches submitted here! At least those ones not yet obsoleted by subsequent ones :) It makes it really hard to bring in new ideas supported by patches - since one either ends up with a bunch of patches to apply - or always has to consider how to make cumulative patches (which then again may contain too many things, not all of them wanted by the maintainer).

So I'd hail if somebody would be able to take responsibility! This must not necessarily mean the original maintainer has to give up ownership - the admins could give a second person write permission additionally. But something has to be done, before the mess is complete :)

So grigi, as your 2 weeks are exceeded by 50% now: how about proceeding to step 2b you mentioned above?

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by Nickolas Grigoriadis

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

From Michael Renzmann


[CCing grigi and edneymatias]

Please, Do you add permission read/write in the project WikiToPdf for users: grigi and edneymatias.

I'm working hard, these people will help me keep the project.


Bye, Mike

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