
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#5592 closed defect (wontfix)

query comparisons not fully supported

Reported by: markusl@… Owned by: aviram
Priority: high Component: TicketChartsMacro
Severity: normal Keywords: query
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


TicketChart does not allow all Trac query commands:

Working: = =!

Do NOT work: =~ =!~ = =$/=%24

TicketChart(type = pie, factor = status, query = summary=~"TC_")

does not work, but results in

Error: Macro TicketChart(type = pie, factor = status, query = summary=~"TC_") failed

near "%": syntax error

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comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by anonymous


As far as I know (and correct me if I am wrong), Trac doesn't support those operators. My plugin can only support Trac queries.

I'm currently leaving this as "new", and when I'm sure that this isn't supported within Trac, I'll close it.

Thanks anyway.

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by markusl@…

Hello anonymous,

Please try:

  • "View Tickets" > "Custom Query"
  • Add a filter for "Summary".
  • Select the different options from drop-down-list and the check the resulting URL:
Summary 'contains' xxx         => .../query?summary=~xxx
Summary 'doesn't contain' xxx  => .../query?summary=!~xxx
Summary 'begins with' xxx      => .../query?summary=^xxx
Summary 'ends with' xxx        => .../query?summary=%24xxx (%24=$)

Summary 'is' xxx               => .../query?summary=xxx
Summary 'is not' xxx           => .../query?summary=!xxx
  • The 4 first comparisons do _not_ work in TicketChart(...) macro (see error message above)
  • 'is' and 'is not' work as expected.

Any suggestions?

I would very much like to use this Plugin, but I need to filter for "begins with".


comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by aviram

Status: newassigned


I have looked at it. The syntax does exist, but it will be a bit difficult to apply it into the code - as you mentioned - it creates an error when executing the SQL query. My code doesn't really create the SQL query, but calls Trac code that creates the query. Since I don't understand fully how this is done, and have not enough time to read this code, I'll accept this ticket and leave it open. I'll try to make some time to handle this week/next weekend, but I can't promise anything.

If you can offer a way to solve this problem, this would be great.


comment:5 Changed 8 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Resolution: wontfix
Status: assignedclosed

Plugin is deprecated.

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