
Opened 19 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#567 closed enhancement (wontfix)

adding post comments functionality to the blog

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: John Hampton
Priority: normal Component: TracBlogPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Milan Trac Release: 0.9

Description (last modified by Ryan J Ollos)

For being closer to current state-of-art "blog tool written in python" and also less narcissist as well, this blog plugin required post comments functionality. Currently, one have to directly modify post and then view "page history" - not that handy, and also insecure (e.g. when two people edit post at time).

So, list of features required:

  1. "comment this" link at each post page and recent posts list
  2. "view comments" page per each post
  3. "view recent comments" per each registered blog poster

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Change History (9)

comment:2 Changed 18 years ago by Christian Aust

True. After running a blog on PHP-based Wordpress for almost 3 years, I switched the site to trac for various reasons. I'd like to continue blogging, so I started using this plugin.

However, having neither comments nor pingbacks make life a little less enjoyable for me. What can I do to help out?

comment:3 Changed 18 years ago by Alec Thomas

Owner: changed from anonymous to John Hampton
Status: assignednew

comment:4 Changed 18 years ago by muelli

Cc: muelli@… added

I'd love to see this feature as well.

I know neither trac nor this blog plugin very well, but I could imagine following archticture to achieve a solution:

One could design comments as wiki pages which names start with the blogentry-title and ending with "/comment/" followed by an increasing number. Then, the TracBlogPlugin provides a link (which is entitled with "comment") to the next free comment. It either displays all comment pages for a blog entry inline or provides a list of all comments.


  • permissions: anonymous reader should be able to comment but not to change existing comments
  • moving/deleting blog entries: After one moves (which is not possible by default anyway) or deletes a blog entry, you probably want to move/delete the comments as well.
  • Tags: Comments, as they are wiki pages, can be tagged. You may not want this since they interfere with your own tags.

Another Idea:

Designing comments as new entities in an own table. You could then avoid above mentioned problems since you develop your own datastructures and logics. Problems:

  • Sounds rather difficult to implement and to maintain.

comment:5 in reply to:  4 Changed 18 years ago by John Hampton

Status: newassigned

Replying to muelli:

One could design comments as wiki pages which names start with the blogentry-title and ending with "/comment/" followed by an increasing number. Then, the TracBlogPlugin provides a link (which is entitled with "comment") to the next free comment. It either displays all comment pages for a blog entry inline or provides a list of all comments.

This is actually similar to what I have envisioned.


  • permissions: anonymous reader should be able to comment but not to change existing comments

Well, this could be done by not allowing entry via the normal wiki interface, and then only allow editing if it's a logged in user. Request filters are wonderful for this. It does mean that it would be a 0.10 only thing.

  • moving/deleting blog entries: After one moves (which is not possible by default anyway) or deletes a blog entry, you probably want to move/delete the comments as well.

This can be done manually via the wiki interface. Annoying but doable.

  • Tags: Comments, as they are wiki pages, can be tagged. You may not want this since they interfere with your own tags.

Probably easiest to just leave it be and allow tags.

Another Idea:

Designing comments as new entities in an own table. You could then avoid above mentioned problems since you develop your own datastructures and logics. Problems:

  • Sounds rather difficult to implement and to maintain.

While it shouldn't be too difficult, it would take time, and since blog entries are wiki pages, it doesn't make much sense to do something separate. However, the access control, etc. wouldn't be so much of a hack.

Anyway, I hope to be able to do this, but I'll admit that it's low on my priority list. If you want to give a crack at it, I love patches. However, I will admit that I don't think my code is the best and I was in the process of refactoring the code. However, that has stalled.

comment:6 Changed 18 years ago by Bluebird

I would appreciate the feature as well.

comment:8 Changed 17 years ago by anonymous

Cc: mshonich@… removed

comment:9 Changed 17 years ago by guyer@…

I've found that you can get a lot of this effect with AddCommentMacro. If you set the blog footer to


then anonymous users can comment, but they can't edit (unless they have WIKI_MODIFY, of course).

The only downside is that the authorship of the blog entry in a [[BlogShow]] changes to the last person that commented. It would be better if the blog author remained the original poster and that the Updated on string changed to Updated on ??? by ???, but I don't know if that's possible.

comment:10 Changed 15 years ago by Robert

Cc: Milan added; muelli@… removed

comment:11 Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: wontfix
Status: assignedclosed

TracBlogPlugin is only for 0.10, as noted on the wiki page. Trac 0.10 is dead now. For blog support, see FullBlogPlugin, which works for Trac 0.11 and later.

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