
Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#573 closed defect (fixed)

No tickets are created

Reported by: micah@… Owned by: anonymous
Priority: high Component: EmailtoTracScript
Severity: critical Keywords:
Cc: micah@… Trac Release: 0.9


I've been running 0.7.3-7 (the debian package) for a few weeks and all seemed to be fine. However, I began to notice that attachments were missing from tickets. So I thought I'd have a look to see if there were some fixes to email2trac that might solve my problem.

I found that there was a newer version available, version 0.7.6-4, so I installed that. I then attempted to send an email in. Everything appears normal in the logs, but no ticket is created, its simply missing, yikes!

When I downgraded back to the version I was running (email2trac_0.7.3-7) everything works again (although attachments are broken again).

Attachments (0)

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 19 years ago by anonymous

Cc: micah@… added; anonymous removed
Owner: changed from Bas van der Vlies to anonymous
Status: newassigned

Do you have the reply_all setting enabled? If yes then use the trunk version. we are running the same debian version for weeks without any problems.

If the trunk version will solve the problem i will release a new version.

I now at home but i am going on holiday

comment:2 in reply to:  1 Changed 19 years ago by anonymous

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Replying to anonymous:

Do you have the reply_all setting enabled? If yes then use the trunk version. we are running the same debian version for weeks without any problems.

I do have reply_all setting enabled, these are my settings:

project: /var/lib/trac/eggplant
debug: 5
umask: 022
spam_level: 4
reply_address: 1
reply_all : 1
mailto_link: 0
umask: 022
email_comment: >
email_header: 0
trac_version: 0.9
alternate_notify_template : support.cs
ticket_update: 1

> If the trunk version will solve the problem i will release a new version.

I installed the trunk version and it works! Both ticket creation and the attachments work, great!
> I now at home but i am going on holiday

Have a nice holiday, thanks for the fixes! I'm closing this ticket now.


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