
Opened 19 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#657 closed defect (fixed)

[blog] post_size fails to cut down text

Reported by: stava@… Owned by: John Hampton
Priority: normal Component: TracBlogPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.9


The "[blog] post_size..." doesn't cut the text down on some entries (not all). No macros involved in the text, no acronyms, no nothing.

The following text wont be cut down: Finally, site is ready, all package builds OK. Most are tested OK as well. There is a few of the trac plugins that wont work properly, or are left out for the time being. joomla packages all OK and latest version of core and plugins. docmgr however, is not really tested at all, so you might want to refrain from using the docmgr package unless you feel adventurous. You might want to check out the latest ddclient package, now with ssl access to your favourite dns provider.

Whereas the follwoing text will be cut down to post_size: Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Blah blah blah… More blah bla blah… Even more blah blah blah… Enough already. Finally site is ready all package builds Most are tested as well There is a few of the plugins that wont work properly.

We're using trac 0.9.6 with TracBlogPlugin 0.2.1dev-1189.

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Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 19 years ago by John Hampton

Status: newassigned

The post_size limit isn't a hard limit. It actually truncates at the end of the line on which the limit was reached, So, if you have a line of 1024 chracters, and your post_size is 512, then the whole line will be shown.

I have been thinking about changing this behavior, however, it involves breaking on word boundaries instead of line boundaries. While that isn't too nasty, it gets a little more complicated when you have to deal with the possiblity of being within a wiki markup tag, such as {{{ }}}, etc.

comment:2 Changed 19 years ago by stava@…

Thanks for the explanation.
I'd leave it as is if I were you (there's got to be more important things to do in life :) ).
However, I suggest you add this explanation to the documentation page for the plugin.

comment:3 Changed 18 years ago by John Hampton

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

(In [1845])

  • Closes #657. Documentation added to Admin page and BlogShow macro

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