
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#7347 closed task (wontfix)

'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_youngest_rev'

Reported by: siwinski@… Owned by: Ryan J Ollos
Priority: normal Component: ChangeLogMacro
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.12


I keep getting the following error when trying to use ChangeLogMacro 0.2 with Trac 0.12:

Error: Macro ChangeLog(/) failed
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_youngest_rev'

The wiki markup I am using is:


I can browse the source just fine through Trac. I could not find any information on how to fix this issue.

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comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Its unlikely that ChangeLogMacro 0.2 will work with Trac 0.12. Please take a look at #7242, and if you are willing to test out that version, it would be a big help. I hope to get that version added to the repository shortly.

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by siwinski@…

I checked out r7928 from SVN, downloaded the patch from #7242, but an error occurred when applying the patch (3 out of 15 hunks failed). I had all the details in the comments here, but Trac flagged my message as spam and won't let me show all the details. I'm pretty new to Trac and plugins so I may be doing something wrong. I would definitely test out the new version if I can figure out how to. By the way, I also checked out the latest revision from SVN (r8229) and got the same Trac Wiki error.

comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by Mikael Relbe

Please try to apply the patch in #7242 with the use of TortoiseHg instead.

  1. Checkout, or export, the source code of the macro from the SVN repo to a local folder on your computer
  2. Make that folder a TortoiseHg version controlled repo.
  3. Apply the patch.

Hope that helps.

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