Opened 18 years ago
Closed 9 years ago
#771 closed enhancement (fixed)
Nicer CSS
Reported by: | timn | Owned by: | Christian Boos |
Priority: | normal | Component: | DoxygenPlugin |
Severity: | normal | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Trac Release: | 0.11 |
I have created a new style file based on the one that comes with the doxygen plugin and the one that comes with doxygen itself. The old one was pretty unreadable (things like unsigned char on two lines on big screen). Tested with doxygen plugin 0.10 (on trac 0.10) and doxygen 1.4.7.
Attachments (1)
Change History (15)
Changed 18 years ago by
Attachment: | doxygen.css added |
comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by
I agree that the old one is not very nice, but this one doesn't seem to make a difference.
How do I install it? Just dropping into the doxygentrac/htdocs/css directory and reinstalling doesn't seem to have any effect...
comment:2 follow-up: 3 Changed 18 years ago by
I've installed it using instructions on TracInterfaceCustomization#SiteCSS.
comment:3 Changed 17 years ago by
Trac Release: | 0.10 → 0.11 |
Replying to matthijs:
I've installed it using instructions on TracInterfaceCustomization#SiteCSS.
Sorry but I don't get it. Can you explain a little further (I'm using Trac 0.11 and Genshi as templating engine) ?
comment:4 follow-up: 5 Changed 17 years ago by
I've only done this on trac 0.10, which uses a different templating engine. For anyone also running 0.10, check revision 48 of TracInterfaceCustomization, it still has instructions for 0.10.
Since you are running 0.11, you should figure it out yourself...
comment:5 Changed 17 years ago by
Ok, thanks for the tip anyway. I finally found a solution by including the css part into the html template.
comment:6 Changed 16 years ago by
Solution for trac 0.11 (and any doxygen version)
- edit the file <trac-repository>/templates/site.html and create a <head> ... </head> section so that it looks like this:
<html xmlns="" xmlns:py="" py:strip=""> <!--! Custom match templates go here --> <head py:match="head" py:attrs="select('@*')"> ${select('*')} <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${'site/doxygen.css')}" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${'site/tabs.css')}" /> </head> </html>
- copy the files doxygen.css, tabs.css, tab_*.gif of the doxygen generated output into <trac-repository>/htdocs
thats all ... greatings from bavaria
comment:7 Changed 16 years ago by
In my opinion this css is very very confusing. The default css is much clearer and nicer structured.
comment:8 Changed 16 years ago by
I noticed that in my environment the doxygen .css files get included for all trac pages and rearranged Headings etc..
This little improvement fixes this for me.
<html xmlns="" xmlns:py="" py:strip=""> <!--! Custom match templates go here --> <head py:match="head" py:attrs="select('@*')"> <py:if test="(req.environ['PATH_INFO'].find('doxygen')) > 0"> ${select('*')} <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${'site/doxygen.css')}" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${'site/tabs.css')}" /> </py:if> <py:if test="req.environ['PATH_INFO'] != '/doxygen'"> ${select('*')} </py:if> </head> </html>
I'm using the .css files which came with doxygen.
greetings Mario
comment:9 Changed 16 years ago by
Why not just allow tabs.css and doc.css in doxygen/html to be downloaded to browser?
Just add css and gif(extension of background images used by doxygen css) in the ext option as below.
[doxygen] ... ext = htm html png css gif
Is't it much easier?
comment:10 follow-up: 11 Changed 15 years ago by
Adding "ext = htm html png css gif" does make the look nicer than without any CSS. I did try the attached CSS, and it's looking worse than with the default CSS...
comment:11 Changed 15 years ago by
Replying to anonymous:
Adding "ext = htm html png css gif" does make the look nicer than without any CSS. I did try the attached CSS, and it's looking worse than with the default CSS...
Same for me, with this line there are a few things that go wrong (first tab is always elevated, when clicking "data fields" the entire layout shifts a bit to the top) but it still is _much_ better than without including the css.
comment:12 Changed 15 years ago by
I am using the 0.12 version of trac with 0.11 version of doxygen plugin. I added "ext = htm html png css gif" in trac.ini . But I am also facing the same thing as mentioned by the above author. Mainly the first tab getting elevated is the main problem. Can anybody suggest a solution, please.
comment:13 Changed 14 years ago by
if you want to fix the elevated problem, do not use plugin doxygen.css
% svn diff doxygentrac/ Index: doxygentrac/ =================================================================== --- doxygentrac/ (리비전 105) +++ doxygentrac/ (작업 사본) @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ # view mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(path)[0] if mimetype == 'text/html': - add_stylesheet(req, 'doxygen/css/doxygen.css') + # add_stylesheet(req, 'doxygen/css/doxygen.css') # Genshi can't include an unparsed file # data = {'doxygen_path': path} try: