
Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#8330 new defect

Plugin has stop workin'

Reported by: T. N.R Owned by:
Priority: high Component: TracTicketStatsPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.12

Description (last modified by Ryan J Ollos)

I've installed plugin and all works, but since 2 days it doesn't draw anymore the stats.

On log is nothing to appreciate. (trac.log in DEBUG mode) and here is the output from the bottom of the statssite:

Logger Console

INFO1649638ms (+0) 15:41:53:


Connection object for transaction 5 destroyed.

INFO1649638ms (+776) 15:41:53:


Success callback with scope. HTTP code is 200

INFO1648862ms (+0) 15:41:52:


Transaction 5 sent.

INFO1648862ms (+1) 15:41:52:


Default HTTP header X-Requested-With set with value of XMLHttpRequest

INFO1648861ms (+7565) 15:41:52:


XHR object created for transaction 5

INFO1641296ms (+0) 15:41:45:


Connection object for transaction 4 destroyed.

INFO1641296ms (+1647) 15:41:45:


Success callback with scope. HTTP code is 200

INFO1639649ms (+1) 15:41:43:


Transaction 4 sent.

INFO1639648ms (+1) 15:41:43:


Default HTTP header X-Requested-With set with value of XMLHttpRequest

INFO1639647ms (+1624535) 15:41:43:


XHR object created for transaction 4

INFO15112ms (+1) 15:14:38:


Connection object for transaction 3 destroyed.

INFO15111ms (+1199) 15:14:38:


Success callback with scope. HTTP code is 200

INFO13912ms (+0) 15:14:37:


Transaction 3 sent.

INFO13912ms (+2) 15:14:37:


Default HTTP header X-Requested-With set with value of XMLHttpRequest

INFO13910ms (+2355) 15:14:37:


XHR object created for transaction 3

INFO11555ms (+0) 15:14:35:


Connection object for transaction 2 destroyed.

INFO11555ms (+255) 15:14:35:


Success callback with scope. HTTP code is 200

INFO11300ms (+0) 15:14:35:


Transaction 2 sent.

INFO11300ms (+1) 15:14:35:


Default HTTP header X-Requested-With set with value of XMLHttpRequest

INFO11299ms (+3927) 15:14:35:


XHR object created for transaction 2

INFO7372ms (+0) 15:14:31:


Connection object for transaction 1 destroyed.

INFO7372ms (+256) 15:14:31:


Success callback with scope. HTTP code is 200

INFO7116ms (+1) 15:14:30:


Transaction 1 sent.

INFO7115ms (+1) 15:14:30:


Default HTTP header X-Requested-With set with value of XMLHttpRequest

INFO7114ms (+6653) 15:14:30:


XHR object created for transaction 1

INFO461ms (+1) 15:14:24:


Connection object for transaction 0 destroyed.

INFO460ms (+322) 15:14:24:


Success callback with scope. HTTP code is 200

INFO138ms (+0) 15:14:23:


Transaction 0 sent.

INFO138ms (+0) 15:14:23:


Default HTTP header X-Requested-With set with value of XMLHttpRequest

INFO138ms (+1) 15:14:23:


Initialize transaction header X-Request-Header to XMLHttpRequest.

INFO137ms (+75) 15:14:23:


XHR object created for transaction 0

INFO62ms (+62) 15:14:23:

LogReader instance0

LogReader initialized

INFO0ms (+0) 15:14:23:


Logger initialized

Attached the capture of the plugin

Attachments (1)

captura234.png (29.4 KB) - added by T. N.R 14 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (12)

Changed 14 years ago by T. N.R

Attachment: captura234.png added

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Description: modified (diff)

For how long was it working before it stopped working for you? Possibly related to #8296 and #3412. Please try adjusting the start and end dates, and resolution, and see if you are able to get any tickets to appears in the chart.

There are some known issues with the start and end date, and resolution, that I just haven't had time to fix yet, but I hope I will over the holiday.

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by T. N.R

ticketstats?content=render&start_date=12/21/2010&end_date=12/22/2010&resolution=30&milestone=all didnt show anything again.

we've start working with ticketstats near half year. same time as with trac, and until monday all was right...

comment:3 in reply to:  1 Changed 14 years ago by T. N.R

Replying to rjollos:

There are some known issues with the start and end date, and resolution, that I just haven't had time to fix yet, but I hope I will over the holiday.

Merry x-mas and happy new year to you too

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by T. N.R

Problem found, the plugin looks for "priority" what we don't have in our trac.

comment:5 in reply to:  4 Changed 14 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Description: modified (diff)
Priority: normalhigh
Status: newassigned

Replying to theget:

Problem found, the plugin looks for "priority" what we don't have in our trac.

Thanks for posting what you found. Since Priority is a default field in Trac, the original developer probably considered it a safe assumption that the field exists. However, we should be checking that it exists, and creating a patch should be fairly straightforward.

Looking at the source code just now, I see that priority is being selected in the query but don't see a place that it is being used, so the fix may be very easy to do.

comment:6 Changed 14 years ago by T. N.R

Should be great to change from priority to severity

comment:7 in reply to:  6 Changed 14 years ago by anonymous

Replying to theget:

Should be great to change from priority to severity

we had remove the "priority" class on adminsite, as there shows " You can remove all items from this list to completely hide this field from the user interface. "

I've added as test again all 5 priorities, and set some tickets with a priority, it starts working again:

comment:8 Changed 14 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

This plugin seems to be somewhat broken, so I posted notice to the project wiki page and hope to have it fixed up within a month or two (see #3412, #8296, #8330).

comment:9 Changed 13 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Status: assignednew

comment:10 Changed 12 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Priority was removed from the SQL queries in [13107]. This ticket should be left open until the same is done in (or the code is replaced with calls to functions currently in

comment:11 Changed 9 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Owner: Ryan J Ollos deleted

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