
Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#8447 new enhancement

Minor stylesheet / template suggestions

Reported by: lucid Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: DiscussionPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11

Description (last modified by Ryan J Ollos)

The "message list" pages can appear a bit "cluttered". It's hard to see the the actual message content among all the meta-information "noise". I would suggest:

  • Remove the "Message #xxx" at the top of each reply
  • (Optional: Instead add a "Link" at the bottom next to "Reply Quote Edit Delete" that links to this message and has the #xxx number in its "title" property.)
  • Use a less obtrusive text style for the "username timestamp" text below each reply
  • Not bold, maybe a lighter shade of gray (#999 or #bbb like Trac's help or footer text)

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Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Radek Bartoň

Status: newassigned

OK, I'll restyle (author, time) footer in the same way as it's in the ticket system and I'll make it an anchor with link to this message with tooltip with actual message ID.

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Owner: Radek Bartoň deleted
Status: assignednew

comment:4 Changed 7 years ago by lucid

FWIW we don't use this plugin anymore, so feel free to close as WONTFIX.

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