
Opened 14 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#8911 closed enhancement (wontfix)

[PATCH] suppress some users from assign-to box, especially current track user and ticket owner

Reported by: Patrick Schaaf Owned by: Morris
Priority: normal Component: FlexibleAssignToPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


(also sent to trac-dev@…, but I don't know whether that goes through)

for a plugin I'm working on, which is designed to provide the IValidOwnerProvider interface, I need access to req.authname, and ideally also to ticket.owner for the ticket under consideration.

I need this for an optional feature of removing / forbidding the current user (or ticket owner) as a next-step assignee in a workflow.

I managed to get at req.authname, but only by modifying FlexibleAssignTo itself to pass down the req parameter to the getUsers method.

And I did not "immediately" find a way to get at the ticket information itself, so I'm still missing the desired forbid-current-ticket-owner functionality.

Is there some generic way I missed, to get at both pieces of information from that place? Some self.env magic?

best regards


Attachments (2)

flexible-req.patch (980 bytes) - added by Patrick Schaaf 14 years ago.
what I patched to get at req
flexible-suppress.patch (5.8 KB) - added by Patrick Schaaf 14 years ago.
Solving the problem properly - a contribution to FlexibleAssignTo

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

Changed 14 years ago by Patrick Schaaf

Attachment: flexible-req.patch added

what I patched to get at req

Changed 14 years ago by Patrick Schaaf

Attachment: flexible-suppress.patch added

Solving the problem properly - a contribution to FlexibleAssignTo

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Patrick Schaaf

After sleeping over it for a night, I realized that the proper solution to my problem would be a different modification to FlexibleAssignTo.

My second patch, flexible-suppress.patch, could IMHO be applied. It provides a generic way to suppress a list of users from the assign-to box, after and independant of the IValidOwnerProviders.

  • in section [flexibleassignto] a new variable suppress can be set to a list of usernames that should ALWAYS be suppressed:
    suppress = admin, anonymous
  • in each workflow step, a new variable .flexibleassignto_suppress can be set in a similar fashion, giving additional users to suppress for that step only:
    mystep.flexibleassignto_suppress = somefreak, $OWNER
  • in these suppression lists, $USER can be used to refer to the currently authenticated user (req.authname)
  • also, $OWNER can be used to refer to the current ticket owner, if any.

I have tested the patch on trac 0.11, but it applies also to the 0.13 subdirectory. Lacking a 0.13 install, I _hope_ I have the different DB syntax right, but did not test that.

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by Patrick Schaaf

FYI: I have just put up my IValidOwnerProvider on trac-hacks:


Maybe you want to provide a cross-link from the FlexibleAssignTo page.

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by Patrick Schaaf

Summary: access to ticket / request data[PATCH] suppress some users from assign-to box, especially current track user and ticket owner

comment:4 Changed 8 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

The plugin is deprecated in Trac 1.3.2 and later. To customize the list of users that appear in the assign-to list, subclass ConfigurableTicketWorkflow and override the get_allowed_owners method.

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