
Opened 14 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#9013 closed defect (worksforme)

trac-admin upgrade fails

Reported by: abialot.olfeo@… Owned by: Martin Scharrer
Priority: normal Component: WatchlistPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords: upgrade database
Cc: Trac Release: 0.12



after the plugin was installed, trac requested a database upgrade which failed with the following error

trac-admin /services/trac12/PROJECTX upgrade

TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'unique'

the plugin was first installed using easy-install

then an egg was buit using from the package available here

in both cases the result was the same nb : i am not sure i properly removed the version installed with easy-install, which i did by removing the directory in site-packages

software-related information

host is a linux VSERVER running Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.3 (lenny) Linux vz-prod-gitosis 2.6.26-2-openvz-686 #1 SMP Thu Jan 27 03:07:30 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux python_version is 2.5.2 tracd version is 0.12.1 the backend database is sqlite 3.5.9 a bunch of plugins are installed, some of which may be 0.11 versions, but i doubt this is related ; nevertheless here comes the list


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Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Martin Scharrer

Status: newassigned

You could try the develop version instead which is pretty stable and will be released soon:

There the DB scheme handling was improved.

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by abialot.olfeo@…


thanks for the quick answer, and sorry about the poor fomatting of my previous post (and possibly this one as well, since i'm not good at wiki syntax and cannot correct my own post)

i gave it a try and the error did not show, but the plugin does not seem to work

  • it is displayed and active in the plugins list so i guess the installation is fine
  • the menu items do not appear
  • accessing the /watchlist page yields : "No handler matched request to /watchlist"

the watchlist tables existed in the database, the upgrade tool reported no upgrade was needed, so i removed everything using the provided uninstall script

  • i had to hack the script which is not compatible with python2.5 because of the 'as' keyword which is used when exceptions are captured
  • after i removed the trac and restarted, the error still did not apear but the tables did not exist either
  • the upgrade tool still reports the database is up to date
  • TracWatchlistPlugin 0.6-dev is still listed in the plugins list

i'd be glad to provide more debug information if you let me know how. the debug log does not show anything usefull concerning this problem.

i'll give a try using a more recent python version if i manage to work it out. if i stumble upon something, i'll definitely post.

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by Martin Scharrer

Note that the develop version has more modules than the current stable versions. Please make sure that all of them are activated in Trac.

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by anonymous

these are the modules that show (and are all active) :

  • tracwatchlist.api.*
  • tracwatchlist.nav.*
  • tracwatchlist.ticket.*

"something" definitely gets loaded because the "watchlist" menu entry appeared

thanks for your help so far

comment:5 Changed 14 years ago by anonymous

hello again

just to let you know, i made an attempt using python2.7, tracd 0.12.3dev_r10770 and only the watchlist plugin.

the trac-admin command (from the new trac) yielded the same error and trac keeps complaining about trac-admin. btw it really is a pitty trac would not let the user deactivate the offending module and work without it.

comment:6 in reply to:  5 Changed 12 years ago by Steffen Hoffmann

Replying to anonymous: ...

btw it really is a pitty trac would not let the user deactivate the offending module and work without it.

While I understand you intention it would be really bad to allow a user to change anything in the Trac configuration. This is not about user preferences, that only affect himself/herself, you see?

comment:7 Changed 11 years ago by Ryan J Ollos

Resolution: worksforme
Status: assignedclosed

Please try again with the latest version of the plugin and reopen if you still encounter the issue.

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