
Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#9078 closed defect (duplicate)

Login: "Invalid username or password" , trac 0.12

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: John Hampton
Priority: normal Component: DirectoryAuthPlugin
Severity: major Keywords: Invalid username password trac 0.12
Cc: Trac Release: 0.12



i have tested the ActiveDirectoryAuthPlugin since yesterday. It takes some time to find the correct configuration, but now the config seems to be correct.

Every time i try to log in, I get the error "Invalid username or password". I am pretty sure that I am using the correct configuration. Is it possible that there is an error with trac 0.12 and the plug-in?

The configuration file look like this:

[account-manager] password_store = ADAuthStore

ad_server = my.server:3268 base_dn = dc=ad,dc=de bind_dn = cn=ldapuser,cn=users,dc=ad,dc=de bind_passwd = xxxxx auth_group = cn=customers,ou=groups,ou=sec,dc=dc,dc=de

[trac] ... permission_store = UserExtensiblePermissionStore ...

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Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by myingling@…

I am experiencing a similar issue. I believe it comes from a change in AccountManagerPlugin, not Trac, which broke integration with ActiveDirectoryAuthPlugin.

I was using Trac 0.12 and upgraded to 0.12.2, but the problem showed up when I upgraded AccountManagerPlugin to 0.4. Unfortunately, 0.3, and 0.4dev both have the issue. I was using things successfully with 0.3dev_r9785, and traced the bug to showing up in 0.3dev_r10264.

Try downgrading your AccountManagerPlugin to 0.3dev_r10263. Create a folder and check it out: Use svn co -r10263

In my testing, ActiveDirectoryAuthPlugin is correctly communicating with the LDAP server, but the result is getting lost somewhere by AccountManagerPlugin. Maybe someone can figure out what happened to break things in r10264.

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by myingling@…

The ActiveDirectoryAuthPlugin check_password() function in is at fault. r10264 line 714 of AccountManagerPlugin now enforces a return of True instead of non-null. check_password() returns an ldap object, False or None, not True or False. The non-True causes the check to fail.

A workaround was already filed in #9112.

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by branson

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

fixed in #9112 and integrated into 0.3

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