
Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#9116 new enhancement

Permanently Add/Remove users from Timeline Display

Reported by: paulcarlisle@… Owned by: Dave
Priority: normal Component: TimelineUserFilterPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.12


I rarely care about timeline changes caused by Trac upgrades, which add a large list of updated wiki pages to the timeline. I can filter this with '-trac' in the control box, of course, but I'd prefer to just set this in the trac.ini file. The UI should then allow me to override these settings if desired; for example, if I've excluded user 'trac' in trac.ini, adding 'trac' to the done-by filter should take priority and display items committed by that user.

This is not a reference to the plugin, but rather to the core functionality of Trac. I don't see anywhere to submit such reports, however.

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comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Michael Renzmann

Owner: changed from Michael Renzmann to Dave

Reassign ticket to original plugin author; I'm not involved in its development.

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