#9895 closed defect (fixed)
WYSIWYG editor doesn't resize
Reported by: | Vladimir Kocjancic | Owned by: | Jun Omae |
Priority: | normal | Component: | TracWysiwygPlugin |
Severity: | normal | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Trac Release: | 0.12 |
We have encountered a problem, where textarea for input or edit (in either tickets or wiki) cannot be re-sized. What makes it worse is that in 0.12, textarea by default is oly about 8 rows high, which makes it nigh impossible to edit wiki pages with WYSIWYG. As a workaround, I tried to expand the field in textarea mode, but it goes back to default size at the exact moment you switch to wysiwyg mode.
Same goes for modifying tickets. wysiwyg editor input area is about 0 pixels high.
Attachments (1)
Change History (14)
comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by
Changed 8 years ago by
Attachment: | vertical handle hidden.png added |
comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by
Hi again, We just noticed the vertical handle is present on the wysiwyg view but is very small. The handle is bottom left of the text area. See attached. No luck finding the horizontal control.
comment:4 Changed 8 years ago by
I'm on the same project as the anonymous coward (Wayne) who reported this problem. Some addtional data
- My (Charlie) browser = Firefox 54.0.1 64-bit
- The issue we see is when MODIFYING a ticket description. During initial creation, and in other areas such as Wiki pages, the WYSIWYG editor has an obvious vertical resize handle. Sorry we forgot to include this key point.
comment:5 Changed 8 years ago by
Status: | new → accepted |
Thanks for the details. Could you please try the following patch?
diff --git a/tracwysiwygplugin/0.12/tracwysiwyg/htdocs/wysiwyg.js b/tracwysiwygplugin/0.12/tracwysiwyg/htdocs/wysiwyg.js index fab974c1e..f1cf09c17 100644
a b prototype.createEditable = function(d, textarea, textareaResizable) { 273 273 var contentDocument = null; 274 274 var grip = d.createElement("div"); 275 275 grip.className = "trac-grip"; 276 if (/^[0-9]+$/.exec(dimension.width)) {277 grip.style.width = dimension.width + "px";278 }279 276 $(grip).bind("mousedown", beginDrag); 280 277 wrapper.appendChild(grip); 281 278 var resizable = d.createElement("div");
comment:6 Changed 8 years ago by
I just took a look at the exploded egg file wysiwyg.js and it seems to already have the change you indicate. Specifically it contains the following lines
grip.className = "trac-grip"; if (/^[0-9]+$/.exec(dimension.width)) { grip.style.width = dimension.width + "px"; } $(grip).bind("mousedown", beginDrag);
FYI, on my system the file is found at /data1/cen/proj/tracdb/projects/.egg-cache/TracWysiwyg- - is that roughy what you would expect? (the tail end not the beginning of the file path).
comment:8 follow-up: 9 Changed 8 years ago by
I'm afraid my earlier comment was ambiguous. What I SHOULD have said was "my system already has your suggested patch BUT I still have the problem".
Is there something else I can provide you to figure out what is going wrong? Should I have one of my GUI experts take a look at the actual Javascript loaded into the browser using the Firefox debugger?
comment:9 Changed 8 years ago by
Replying to charles.butterfield@…:
I'm afraid my earlier comment was ambiguous. What I SHOULD have said was "my system already has your suggested patch BUT I still have the problem".
No. my system already has your suggested patch is incorrect. In [16729], I've removed 3 lines.
comment:10 Changed 8 years ago by
Oh sorry! I thought you ADDED those 3 lines as a fix. Okay, I'll remove them on my system and retry. Assuming the fix works, any idea when it will be available for download using the regular download mechanisms?
comment:11 Changed 8 years ago by
Browser sometimes is caching old wysiwyg.js file. Then, try force reload (SHIFT-F5).
comment:12 Changed 8 years ago by
I tested your new version and it works great. Thanks for all your hard work!
Hi, We have recently updated Trac to 1.0.13 and the TracWysiwyg to version and have experienced similar problems. We have identified a workaround to make the text area taller (but NOT wider).
Sadly, any attempt to increase the horizontal size reverts the view to the default size when switching the wysiwyg.
Can you provide any update on the status of this issue? (BTW - We use WYSIWYG mode extensively and can't help but feel amazed at how much works naturally, so thanks much!) Thanks!