Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of CannedResponsesPlugin

Apr 29, 2009, 10:19:57 PM (15 years ago)
John Bailey



  • CannedResponsesPlugin

    v3 v4  
    37 tpp = new,pending -> closed
    38 tpp.comment = This issue is caused by a third party plugin.  We have no control over these plugins.  Please report this problem to the authors of this third party plugin.
    39 tpp.resolution = invalid
    40 = Third Party Plugin
    41 tpp.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
     37pluginreq = new,pending -> new
     38pluginreq.comment = This request is best implemented as a plugin.  This ticket remains open as an invitation for someone to write a plugin fulfilling the request.
     39pluginreq.milestone = Plugin Suggested
     40pluginreq.type = plugin request = Better As Plugin
     42pluginreq.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
    4344The above example creates a canned response that sets a ticket to the closed status, sets the resolution to invalid, and adds the comment "This issue is caused by a third party plugin.  We have no control over these plugins.  Please report this problem to the authors of this third party plugin."  The canned response is available to any user with at least TICKET_MODIFY permissions, including TICKET_ADMIN and TRAC_ADMIN.
    46   * The line `tpp = new,pending -> closed` specifies the statuses a ticket may have for using this canned response and the status the ticket will be set to.
     47  * The line `pluginreq = new,pending -> closed` specifies, as a comma-delimited list, the statuses a ticket may have for using this canned response and the status the ticket will be set to.
    4748  * The 'name' attribute provides a "pretty name" for users to see in the list of canned responses.
    4849  * The 'comment' attribute specifies, in WikiFormatting, the text of the comment to be added.  Anything inserted into the comment field at the same time as applying a canned response will be retained and placed after the canned response.
    4950  * The 'resolution' attribute specifies the resolution to use on the ticket when closing.
    5051  * The 'permissions' attribute specifies the minimum level of permissions required to see and use the response.
     52  * The 'milestone' attribute (new in 0.11.1) allows you to specify the milestone to change the ticket to.
     53  * The 'type' attribute (new in 0.11.1) allows you to specify a ticket type to change the ticket to.
     54  * Be careful with spelling, as there is no validation.  If you make a spelling mistake you could cause a Python exception or cause tickets to be set to resolutions or milestones that don't exist.
    5256== Author/Contributors ==