
Add CKEditor Wysiwyg features in Trac wiki


This is a Wysiwyg wiki editor plugin using the open-source CKEditor, inspired by TracWysiwygPlugin.

Note: The full_integration mode is not recommended for use in production! It is still experimental, and under development.

The plugin does not contain the CKEditor source. Get it from their SVN - require >= 3.6. After installation of both the plugin and CKEditor, set the [ckeditor] editor_source option for this plugin to the path of the CKEditor ckeditor.js script.

The plugin has several modes of integration, determined by the [ckeditor] editor_type option:

html_wrapper CKEditor with HTML output wrapped in html-processor
full_integration CKEditor with TracWiki output (experimental)
only_ticket CKEditor with TracWiki output for ticket fields (experimental); leaves wiki editing as in Trac standard
only_wiki CKEditor with TracWiki output for wiki pages (experimental); leaves ticket editing as in Trac standard
none No integration - plain old textarea

Using CKEditorPlugin looks like this in Trac:

Sample Screenshot of using `CKEditorPlugin`

The full_integration mode is the holy grail, but currently just a handful of elements are supported in this mode, see the tracwiki plugin for details.


  • Does not co-exist with TracWysiwygPlugin: ensure that only one of them is enabled if both plugins are present in your environment.
  • When using the html_wrapper mode and editing an existing wiki page, the page will be rendered in HTML upon save (macros are lost, etc.)

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for CkEditorPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


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Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out CkEditorPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


Install the plugin:


Get the CKEditor package and deploy it in a URL-accessible path, e.g. the htdocs directory of your Trac environment:

mkdir /path/to/trac/environment/htdocs/js
svn checkout /path/to/trac-env/htdocs/js/ckeditor

Enable it from the Plugins section of the Administration panel, or by adding the following to the [components] section of your trac.ini file:

ckintegration.* = enabled


The following options can be specified in the [ckeditor] section of your trac.ini file:

code_styles List of code styles, which should be processed by CKEditor and displayed in CKEditor dialog 'insert code'. Possible types are one of pygments-styles.

default values: cpp, csharp, java, js, python, sql, default, xml

editor_type Type of integrated editor. Possible types are:

  • full_integration: CKEditor with TracWiki output (experimental),
  • only_ticket: CKEditor with TracWiki output for ticket fields (experimental); leaves wiki editing as in Trac standard,
  • only_wiki: CKEditor with TracWiki output for wiki pages (experimental); leaves ticket editing as in Trac standard,
  • html_wrapper: CKEditor with HTML output wrapped in html-processor,
  • none: No integration - leaves editing as in Trac standard

default value: full_integration

editor_source Path to CKEditor 3.6.x javascript source. The path should be specified as viewed by the client, and must be accessible by the client-browser. A recommended setup involves installing CKEditor in the htdocs/js directory of the Trac environment, and setting this option to site/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js.

default value: site/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js

You can also type [[TracIni(ckeditor)]] in any Wiki-Page to get a list of possible options and their descriptions. See also description in plugins-panel.

Sample configuration of a trac.ini file (default values shown):

code_styles = cpp, csharp, java, js, python, sql, default, xml
editor_type = full_integration
editor_source = site/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js

Known Issues / Limitations

  • Marker and text color is not working in headers, see Google-Groups.
  • When inserting an image, only full path to image is working.
  • When entering a link manually, it is printed with an exclamation mark, see #9562.
  • Escaping of CamelCase words is only working the first time, see #9563.
  • Copying lists from MS Word does not maintain deeply nested indentations (tested with Word 2003).

To do

Help wanted for further development:

  • Killer feature: Support TracWiki syntax by HTML<->TracWiki conversions? or by making CKEditor's rendering engine emit TracWiki?.
  • Insert WikiLinks using cool dialogs, for example choose existing page from TitleIndex, insert link to stubbed page & open new tab to create the stubbed page.
  • Insert other kinds of TracLinks using cool dialogs, such as changesets, tickets, other resources.
  • Insert images intuitively: this requires a selector from attachments / repositories / upload from file-system as attachment or into repository, maybe even drag-and-drop.
  • Macro-awareness: select macro to insert from supported macros, expand inserted macros inline.

Recent Changes

14145 by framay on 2014-09-01 14:02:36

refs #11330: avoid error with Genshi 0.7:

UnicodeError: source returned bytes, but no encoding specified
10922 by framay on 2011-11-16 07:28:09
fixes #8850, #8851, #8852: implemented a lot of new functionalities, so named this version 1.1dev
10921 by framay on 2011-11-16 07:22:33
tagging old version 1.0dev, before replacing by 1.1dev


Author: Edan Maor, itamarost
Maintainer: Itamar Oren
Contributors: framay

Last modified 2 years ago Last modified on Apr 17, 2022, 8:37:45 AM

Attachments (1)

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