
Add a "Clone" button to tickets

Notice: This functionality is available in Trac 1.0 and later. See t:TicketClone.


This plugin adds a "Clone" button to each ticket:

This allows you to quickly create tickets that have a similar content.


Get the plugin from

At first glance there is only a Trac view of the code. Go down to the bottom of that page and use the download option "Original Format" under section "Download in other formats". Even the other link "Plain Text" will work for saving the file to your system, but may load the file into a different viewer/editor, if in your favorite browser you choose to open it instead of just downloading.

Copy to the plugin directory and restart the server that is providing Trac (tracd, Apache, etc.). The corresponding section in trac.ini enables the plugin with usual syntax:

ticket_clone.* = enabled

Users must have permission TICKET_ADMIN or TRAC_ADMIN.

Trac 0.11
You have to enable the plugin manually, either directly in trac.ini before restarting the server, or through the admin interface after restarting.
Trac 0.12dev
The plugin will just work after server restart. This was tested with 0.12dev-r8263, but should work with any later version as well. You'll only need to got to trac.ini or the admin interface, if you'd like to disable the plugin without removing it from the plugin directory.
Trac 1.0dev
This feature is now integrated as an optional component ([T10686]). You only need to activate it in trac.ini (tracopt.ticket.clone) or by using the plugin panel in the web admin.
Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Feb 12, 2017, 9:22:25 PM

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