
Grouping ticket fields using different fieldsets


This plugin allows for grouping ticket fields using different fieldsets. This is a solution for t:#10320.

The arrangement of ticket fields is specified by adding a [group-ticket-fields] stanza to your project's trac.ini file. For example, when using the following settings:

additional_info = Zusatzinformationen
additional_info.fields = reproducibility,keywords,cc,customtext,svnversion,tester,blockedby,blocking,parents,billable,internal = foldable,collapsed
group_order = project,main,additional_info,project_planning
project = Projekt
project.columns = 1
project.fields = project,milestone,version
project_planning = Projektplanung
project_planning.fields = estimatedhours,hours,remaininghours,totalhours,userfinish,userstart = foldable,collapsed

then this is how 'New Ticket' welcomes you in a well-arranged style:

colapsed 'New Ticket' example

Some people may be interested in additional fields:

grouped 'New Ticket' example

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for GroupTicketFieldsPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


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Download the zipped source from here.

The plugin is also available on PyPI.


You can check out GroupTicketFieldsPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the TracPlugins page.


Example for trac.ini configuration:

target = Target
target.fields = milestone,version
group_order = target,main

This creates a field group Target and assigns the fields milestone and version to it. The option name target is arbitrary.

group_order defines in which order the groups should be arranged.

Recent Changes

17899 by rjollos on 2020-12-03 22:59:17
TracGroupTicketFields 0.3: Add egg to release
17898 by rjollos on 2020-12-03 22:57:53
TracGroupTicketFields 0.3: Change entry point

Require Trac >= 1.0

17897 by rjollos on 2020-12-03 22:40:52
TracGroupTicketFields 0.3dev: Format using autopep8


Author: thomasd
Maintainer: thomasd

Last modified 2 years ago Last modified on Feb 26, 2023, 7:55:11 AM

Attachments (2)

Download all attachments as: .zip