
Display PDF or SVG images as PNG in wiki pages and tickets


This plugin inserts vector graphics like PDFs or SVGs as PNG-images into a Trac wiki page or Trac ticket.

It requires convert from ImageMagick. However, convert may fail on specific files. Additionally, Ghostscript is required for convert on Windows, which is available here.

The handling and the parameters are inspired by LaTeX includegraphics and the Trac ImageMacro.


[[PdfImg(Book.pdf, width=400, page=100, caption="Page 100 from Book Example")]]
[[PdfImg(source:testpro/drawing.svg@10,width=600,caption="SVG-image from repository in version 10")]]
[[PdfImg(sketch.svg, cache=False)]] 

More examples:

Screenshot with PDF and SVG

Note: PDF conversion with ImageMagick-convert:

  1. may fail on specific PDFs. This is not a problem of the plugin, but of convert. In this case you will get an error like Can't display foo.pdf, ImageMagick->convert failed with errorcode=... , command=convert ...
  2. if not restricted to certain pages, it can take very long; example: Converting a PDF file of 400 pages by simply [[PdfImg(test.pdf)]] took several minutes! See #9874, #9875.


Tested on this configurations:

Operating System Trac Imagemagick
Ubuntu 11.04 0.11.7-4 (deb) 7:
Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS 0.12.2 (easy_install) 7:
Win64 Server 2003 R2 0.12.2 (Bitnami) ImageMagick-6.7.5-6-Q16-windows-x64-dll.exe
Ghostscript gs902w64.exe


Possible Trac links for resource: The Location of the file can be an attachment (wikipage, ticket, svn) or a local file (keyword "file:").

Trac link (resource) Alternatives Comment
wiki JustPageName Attachment in wikipage
ticket #1
source browser,repos
file need configuration file.prepath


Parameter Value Default
pdffile resource of PDF-file required
page Page to display 1 starting with 1
width width in pixel 600 must be absolute value
caption Caption under Image none
label anchor to link to
cache build once or each time True time consumption or changing vectorgraphics
align left|right nothing

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for PdfImagePlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


1 / 3


0 / 3


Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out PdfImagePlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the TracPlugins page.


No configuration is needed, except when using the resource 'file:' the following configuration must be set:

Suppose your server is and the webserver config mapped your local directory /absolute/entry/directory to the public directory entrydir, then your configuration for the file:-resource looks like:

file.prepath = /absolute/entry/directory
file.preurl =

Recent Changes

11408 by ursaw on 2012-03-21 08:10:12
changed external convert command according
11356 by ursaw on 2012-03-02 21:13:38
#9842 single quotes in convert command are optional under Linux, Windows dont like them..
11343 by ursaw on 2012-02-29 19:14:47
changed files and folders to lowercase


Author: ursaw
Maintainer: ursaw

Last modified 9 years ago Last modified on Sep 3, 2016, 7:44:41 AM

Attachments (1)

Download all attachments as: .zip