Manage QA Test Cases
This is a Trac 0.11 plugin that can be used to manage Test Cases for Quality assurance purposes. It works via the native Trac interface.
Key features:
- Test Plans and Test Runs are managed by Milestones.
- Test Cases are managed by Tickets.
- Test Results are the Closed Tickets with some sort of resolution: Pass, Fail, Skip, etc.
This plugin does the following:
- Creates a new Test Run and populates it with Test Cases from an existing Test Plan.
- Populates an existing Test Run with additional Test Cases from an existing Test Plan.
In other words, QA folks get all the benefits of Trac (reporting, transparency, usage patterns, etc.) that a development team already enjoys.
See also: TestManagerForTracPlugin, TestCaseManagementPlugin.
The following terms are defined and mapped to the Trac interface:
- Test Plan
- A collection of Test Cases, effectively a template for a Test Run. Within Trac, this equates to a Milestone with unassigned Tickets.
- Test Run
- An instance of a Test Plan. Within Trac, this equates to a Milestone with assigned Tickets.
- Test Case
- Something to test. Within Trac, this equates to a ticket.
- Test Result
- Something that was tested. Within Trac, this equates to closed ticket and/or their resolution.
Bugs/Feature Requests
Existing bugs and feature requests for QaTrackerPlugin are here.
If you have any issues, create a new ticket.
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Download the zipped source from here.
You can check out QaTrackerPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.
General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the TracPlugins page.
This plugin requires the following:
- Trac 0.11
- Genshi >= 0.5
- Python >= 2.5
- setuptools are installed and PATH'd properly
Recent Changes