
Repository, ticket and wiki statistics

Notice: Flash is being deprecated in all major browsers. Please use TracMetrixPlugin as alternative plugin.


This is a plugin that measures and graphically displays recent project activity by providing repository, ticket and wiki statistics. See below for screenshots and examples.

Project reports:

0.4.1 global repors

User reports:

0.4.1 user reports

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for StractisticsPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


31 / 37


6 / 9


1 / 1

Known (Confirmed) Issues: May not work with MySQL (#3088) and PostgreSQL (#3207) databases.


Download the zipped source from here.


Check out from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


If you are using Python < 2.6, this plugin requires pypi:simplejson.

Your web browser must support:

  • Javascript
  • Macromedia Flash Player 9 plugin.

FireFox 2.0, Internet Explorer 7 and Opera 9.25 have been successfully tested.

General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the TracPlugins page.

Also enable the plugin by adding the following to your trac.ini file:

stractistics.* = enabled 


If you have STRACTISTICS_VIEW permission, a Stractistics button will appear on the navigation bar.

From v0.3.0 upwards you can customize the time gap thanks to the upper-left form. Please don't set the number of weeks higher than 25, because that clutters values on the x-axis, I'll try to fix that sometime. Note that the ticket activity chart ignores the number of weeks, it only considers 30 days prior to the chosen date.

  • A week is Monday through Sunday.
  • All results are real-time, Stractistics executes a series of queries against your Trac database when the page is loaded.


It is possible to customize these parameters:

  • repository_authors_limit: Number of users displayed on the repository activity chart. Its default value is 5.
  • wiki_authors_limit: Number of users displayed on the wiki activity chart. Its default value is 5.
  • ignored_repository_authors: List of users to be ignored in the repository activity chart. User names should be comma-separated. Its default value is empty.
  • ignored_wiki_authors: List of users to be ignored in the wiki activity chart. User names should be comma-separated. Its default value is empty.
  • max_author_characters: Maximum number of author characters to be displayed on the tables. This comes in handy when dealing with long author names. Its default value is None, therefore it doesn't mangle the names at all.

It is not recommended setting any of those parameters to a value greater than 8, because that leads to cluttered charts. If you wish to modify the default settings, create a new section called 'stractistics' in trac.ini and then add any of the parameters and its new value:

repository_authors_limit = 5
wiki_authors_limit = 7

Recent Changes

17376 by rjollos on 2019-06-12 18:01:06
0.6dev: Make compatible with Trac 1.2+

Refs #13563.

17375 by rjollos on 2019-06-12 17:59:05
0.6dev: Fix typo in r17374

The plugin is now compatible with only Trac >= 1.0

17374 by rjollos on 2019-06-12 17:45:42
0.6dev: Remove trailing whitespace


Author: Daniel Gómez Brito (dagomez)
Maintainer: ttressieres
Contributors: mixedpuppy, Manuel Jesús Recena Soto

Last modified 2 years ago Last modified on Feb 19, 2023, 3:23:52 PM

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