
Provides a feature like Biff for file in repository


This plugin provides a feature like Biff for a file in a Trac repository, a mail notification system for UNIX. This plugin is useful to query or monitor certain files in the repository when someone updates it.

Set Biff value automatically when a user committed into the repository:

The ticket thread then shows the subsequent Biff values:

To integrate TracMultiSelectBoxPlugin is good practice for ticket maintenance like this:

Note: TracChangeFileBiffPlugin requires Trac 1.0 or higher, since it uses the list format of text type. See TracTicketsCustomFields.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for TracChangeFileBiffPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


Download the archived source from PyPi.


You can clone TracChangeFileBiffPlugin from the PyPi repository.


General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the TracPlugins page.


  1. Enable TracChangeFileBiffPlugin in the Plugins page of the web administration menu.
  2. Access to File Biff admin panel: The option of ticket-custom section in your trac.ini file would be added when you access to the File Biff admin page like this:
filebiff = text
filebiff.format = list
filebiff.label = Biff       ; change file label as you like
filebiff.multiple = true    ; this option is used by TracMultiSelectBoxPlugin
filebiff.options =          ; will be set when you configure File Biff settings
filebiff.size = 3           ; this option is used by TracMultiSelectBoxPlugin
filebiff.matching_pattern = fnmatch ; glob matching pattern (fnmatch or gitignore)
  1. Configure File Biff settings:


  • White-space is not allowed in the Name.
  • Cc and Filename are configured as multiple values separated by comma.
  • The glob pattern for Filename is allowed.
  • The glob pattern is configurable in filebiff.matching_pattern of [ticket-custom]. The possible values are:

Add a [changefilebiff] section in your trac.ini file after you configured the File Biff settings like this:

[changefilebiff] = user1
biff.2e320ca20d1aed6a.filename = *.txt, *.text = text-files = user2, guest1
biff.319ddde3cb437ffc.filename = *.properties = property-files = user1, user2
biff.dd487b83e5e76d08.filename = *.gif, *.png, *.jpg = Image-files
biff_keys = dd487b83e5e76d08, 319ddde3cb437ffc, 2e320ca20d1aed6a


Author: t2y
Maintainer: needsadoption

Last modified 15 months ago Last modified on Jan 19, 2024, 8:40:25 PM

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