
Add documentation to source code through Subversion


This plugin allows offline editing of wiki pages, and storage of documentation so that it is closer to the source code that it documents. It adds a Docs tab to the Trac project navigation bar. It is a wiki plugin where the wiki text is stored in the Subversion repository.

Key features:

  • Uses RestructuredText as a markup language.
  • Supports inline images and links.
  • Highlights source code using google-code-prettify.
  • Supports editing through Subversion and the Trac website.
  • Handles user permission using Subversion authorization.
  • Supports downloading binaries with proper mime-types for non-text files.

Source / Bugs / Feature Requests

See for more details and the source code, or to report issues or request features.


This plugin can be installed with:

$ easy_install tracdocs


It is configured in the trac.ini file by enabling the component and configuring the path within the Subversion repository to store the wiki documents:

tracdocs.* = enabled

root = wiki/trunk

By default, it will show the title of the directory that you are navigating. But if you create an index.txt file in the directory, it will use that instead, allowing you to put additional documentation at the top of a directory structure.

It uses the WIKI_VIEW permission to control access to the documentation pages.

Recent Changes

16397 by rjollos on 2017-03-25 09:37:00
Remove obsolete "0.9" code
7900 by mrjbq7 on 2010-04-30 03:28:20
New hack TracDocsPlugin, created by mrjbq7


Author: mrjbq7?
Maintainer: mrjbq7?

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on May 17, 2020, 8:11:40 AM

Attachments (1)

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