
Another TracFormsPlugin Tutorial


This is the bare minimum (wiki) markup required to produce a form with TracForms syntax:

[tf:mycheck] checked

Hereby you define a form with

  • default settings, i.e. no field change tracking, standard submit button label
  • one field
    • of default field type checkbox
    • with a label 'checked'

rendered result:

basic form example


When you go on designing your forms, you may wish to arrange and more-or-less beautify them.

This is fairly easy using TracWiki markup. The following examples show only a small subset of the possibilities, but simple and advanced tables are certainly among the dominating design elements. Use common sense when deciding on parameters like table border width or background color.

More form fields

Most probably you'll want to have multiple form fields.

The single most important rule is: Make sure, that you have unique field names within a form.

choose combinations
|| ||a||b||c||

rendered result:

multiple fields example

How well does it scale? It has been proven to work for fairly large quantities of form fields.

I do use tickets with more than 120 checkboxes in one TracForm. --hasienda

Other field types

[tf:mycheck] checked


Like it? [ true] Yes [ false] No

[ val0//(default) val1//label1 val2//label2]

Tell me more:[[BR]]
[tf.textarea:comment '(default comment)' 20 5]

rendered result:

field type showcase


Track changes

Two independent options allow to keep track of changes up to a certain degree:

track field changes in this form, keeping a record for the last change time and author per field,
effect: setting this option will mostly enable you to use the [tf.who] and [tf.when] operations in your form
keep a full change history record, starting from the time of setting this option,
effect: setting this option is mandatory to enable full form revision support including incremental change reset/rollback

Submit button label

submit_label 'Track it!'

required to change the default submit button (possibly localized) label to any (fixed) label, see tutorial for use cases

Form-related operations

form ID: [tf.form_id:]

[tf.textarea:comment '(default comment)' 20 5][[BR]]
last comment:
by [tf.form_updater:]
on [tf.form_updated_on:]

rendered result:

form-specific data displayed

See TracForms advanced use cases in the next section.

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Aug 10, 2018, 6:19:05 PM

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