Generate TracLinks for the page, put anchors on paragraphs
This plugin offers the following dual functionality:
- Generate TracLinks in search box for { wiki: report: query: ticket: attachment: source: diff: log: milestone: timeline: search: comment: }.
(in ja-JP) 表示しているページのTracLinksを検索ボックスに表示します。 - Add anchor in paragraphs and list items in wiki and ticket.
(in ja-JP) Wikiとチケットにある段落やリスト項目にアンカーを追加します。
The search box has the ticket link added to it:
The web address to the paragraph is shown when hovering over the paragraph:
Examples of TracLinks generated
- wiki:WikiStart
- wiki:/TracGuide#AdministratorGuide
- ticket:1
- ticket:1?version=1
- report:1
- report:7
- query:owner=admin
- attachment:test.txt:ticket:1
- attachment:image.png:wiki:WikiStart
- attachment:"file name with spaces.txt:wiki:with spaces"
- log:@1:2
- log:/trunk@1
- log:anotherrepo/trunk@1
- diff:@1:2
- diff:trunk@1:2
- diff:trunk//tags
- diff:trunk@1//tags@2
- diff:anotherrepo/trunk@2//anotherrepo/tags@3
- milestone:milestone1
- timeline:2012-02-22T15:31:04+09:00
- search:searchtext
- source:/trunk/file.txt
- source:/trunk/file.txt@2
- source:anotherrepo/trunk/file.txt
- source:anotherrepo/trunk/file.txt@3
- comment:1:ticket:1
- source:/trunk/file.txt#L20
- [/newticket?owner=admin&priority=major&status=new&type=defect&reporter=admin]
- ticket:1#no1
See also: trac:ticket:9448
Bugs/Feature Requests
Existing bugs and feature requests for TracLinksPlugin are here.
If you have any issues, create a new ticket.
defect |
6 / 6 |
Download the zipped source from here.
You can check out TracLinksPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.
- Install the plugin:
- Enable the plugin by adding the following to your
file:[components] traclinks.* = enabled
Recent Changes
- 17547 by matobaa on 2019-10-19 10:42:08
TracLinksPlugin: Port from genshi to javascript
- 17516 by matobaa on 2019-09-24 14:52:43
TracLinksPlugin: Fix a bug that miss paragraph anchors
- 16945 by matobaa on 2017-11-01 11:40:38
TracLinksPlugin: fixes #12760 "undefined"
Last modified 8 years ago
Last modified on Oct 17, 2016, 6:57:31 AM
Attachments (2)
- TracLinks.png (10.2 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
- AnchorAnywhere.png (84.6 KB) - added by 8 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip