
Requirement for TracMetrixPlugin

Welcome to the requirement section of TracMetrixPlugin. This page is intended to as the place for the community to provide the idea and feedback on features that will be supported by the TracMetrixPlugin. Please feel free to add any comment in the Comment&Feedback section of this page. You can also email khundeen with any suggestion.


The TracMetrixPlugin will provide quantitative information that can be automatically gathered from the Trac and SVN repository in order to support the project management and development. The primary focus is to provide management with simple but useful metrics to assist the project planning activity. I also like to get feed back from Agile community. I plan to provide the Agile metrics suggested by David Anderson's book on Agile Management.

Software Metrics

Project Level Metrics

  1. Ticket: Summary by status
  2. Ticket: Summary by status by milestone
  3. Code: Project size Total & by components
  4. Code: Project size history
  5. Code: Source complexity

Milestone Level Metrics

  1. Ticket: Summary by type by compoments
  2. Ticket: Ticket History & Cummulative Flow

Open Source Tools

  • PyMetrics: application that produces metrics for Python programs.
  • StatSvn: a web application that provides SVN statistics.
  • Hackystat: an open source framework for automated collection and analysis of software engineering process and product metrics.

Potential feature

  • Plot defect statistics as a code quality metric (#260).
  • Add lines of code statistics (#261).

Comment & Feedback

Moved to TracMetrixPlugin/FeedBack

Dwell Times

I'd love to have a report that can return the dwell times for tickets in each status (or owner) for a given milestone/component.

The specific form of this report would be;

  • Min/Max/Average/Count/Sum of Open Time, by any criteria/grouping/sort
  • Min/Max/Average/Count/Sum of Assigned time, by any criteria/grouping/sort

The generic form of this report would be;

  • Min/Max/Average/Count/Sum of a column/field, by any criteria/grouping/sort

The criteria, grouping or sorting to be by owner, creator, milestone, component, priority, severity, custom field etc. Each can be specified individually, collectively, or in combination (much like SQL).

  • Output to be data table or chart.
Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on Aug 27, 2015, 10:19:54 AM