Michael Renzmann
Who am I
I became the maintainer of trac-hacks.org in 2009. Over the past years the admin team has grown to several members. I still am part of it, but I'm now passing the chair to others as I unfortunately don't find enough personal time to dedicate to this project in the way it deserves.
Contact me if you have any issues, suggestions, etc. I can also often be found on the IRC-channel as otaku42
My contributions
- NavAddPlugin Add custom items to main and meta navigation bar
- TagsPlugin A Tagging System for Trac
- TracHacksPlugin TracHacks custom modifications
- TracPastePlugin Add a pastebin component to Trac
Tickets …
- ... owned by me
- ... I reported
- ... that CC me
Last modified 10 years ago
Last modified on Sep 26, 2015, 8:21:32 AM