
Registered usernames can no longer be used by an anonymous author

Until now a registered user has been able to make a change without authenticating, by entering their username in the author field. Any user could make a comment using a registered username. While this hasn't been a significant problem up until now, i ...

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Elevated permissions

The permission schema has been modified to give users additional permissions:

  1. Anonymous users can modify ticket properties (TICKET_CHGPROP).
  2. Authenticated users can delete their own attachments.
  3. Authenticated users can ...

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Trac Hacks upgraded to Trac 1.2

The site is now running Trac 1.2. Trac 1.2 is the latest stable release at the time of this writing, and we'll aim to keep on the latest release of Trac going forward.

There was a small amount of downtime related to the upgrade whic ...

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[RESOLVED] Usernames with special characters can't login

Due to a regression in Trac 1.0.7, attempts to login to the site with a username containing special characters such as . or - will result in an error. The issue is captured in trac:#12129 and should be resolved with a new Trac release this week.

Welcome to Trac Hacks

The purpose of TracHacks is to provide free Subversion hosting for community created Trac hacks.

Give It to Me

Published hacks are listed in the HackIndex.

Adhering to the principle that one should eat one's own dog food, the following hacks are used on TracHacks:


Learn more about the way we do things here.

Feedback and Suggestions

Please consider subscribing to the trac-hacks mailing list.

The list is meant for discussion about, i.e. the services that are provided here for the Trac community. Use it to suggest new features, discuss ways to improve the website, report issues that you come across, stuff like this. Any feedback is highly appreciated.

Please note however that the trac-hacks mailing list is not meant for support requests for any of the plugins provided on by their authors. These should still be directed to the trac-users mailing list instead.

Last modified 2 months ago Last modified on Aug 15, 2024, 7:14:08 AM